Retrieve tagged values as properties in Fill-in Doc.

Suppose we have the some use cases in our project, and each use case with tagged values defined.

Use case models with tagged values defined

Use case models with tagged values defined

And we would like to have the use case and tagged values display in a tabular form as below.

Name Complexity Use Case Status Implementation Status
%use case name% %complexity% %use case staus% %implementation status%

To do this:

  1. Create a table in your word document and with the header defined.

    Create table in Word file

    Create table in Word file

  2. Define the following Doc. Field for retrieve use case model together with the name property in the first data cell.
    i.e. ${ELEMENT,T1,UseCase, LoopInProject, PROPERTY=name}

    Define Doc. Field for retrieve use case model element

    Define Doc. Field for retrieve use case model element

  3. Define the Doc. Field in the following data cell to retrieve the tagged values as property by using their name.
    i.e. ${PROPERTY, Complexity}

    Define Doc. Field for retrieve tagged values as property

    Define Doc. Field for retrieve tagged values as property

  4. Save the word document.
  5. Select Tools > Composer in Visual Paradigm.

    Open Doc. Composer

    Open Doc. Composer

  6. Select Fill-in Doc to create a new document.

    Create a Fill-in Doc.

    Create a Fill-in Doc.

  7. Press Choose from Local Drive button in Specify Doc Base dialog and pickup your Word document as the Doc. Base.

    Select the Word document with our created table as Doc. Base

    Select the Word document with our created table as Doc. Base

  8. In the Fill-in Doc editor the tagged values are show as property of the use case.

    All property showing in Fill-in Doc. Editor

    All property showing in Fill-in Doc. Editor

  9. Press Generate button at bottom right corner to output the Fill-in Doc into a word document.

    Generate the Fill-in doc into Word document

    Generate the Fill-in doc into Word document

Now the use case and tagged values are outputted in our desired tabular form.

Use case's name and tagged values are generated into table

Use case’s name and tagged values are generated into table

* Please note that if the model element having property having same name as tagged values then the PROPERTY Doc. Field will retrieve the property value of model element instead of the tagged value.

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