How to Setup Publication Server as System Service on Mac

By setup Publication Server as system service it will automatically starts when the machine boots. In this article you will learn how to setup the Publication Server as System Service on Mac.

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How to Setup Visual Paradigm Publication Server on Mac

Visual Paradigm Online can let you create digital flipbook and slideshows from various sources, including create from scratch with Visual Paradigm Online editing environment, upload from PDF, PowerPoint, etc… By default the published flipbooks/slideshows are hosted in Visual Paradigm Online website. With Visual Paradigm Publication Server user can host the flipbook by themselves, with full control to the storage and security of their content. In this article you will learn how to setup subscribe and setup Publication Server on Mac to host the flipbook/slideshows by yourselves.

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Connect Visual Paradigm to Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse

Visual Paradigm support connect to Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse to perform database engineering. In this article you will learn how to establish connection with Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse.

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How to Create Your Own Project Template (for v17.2 build 20241101 or later)

As of Visual Paradigm version 17.2, you can create and share your own project templates with your team. This allows team members to easily create new projects that conform to your team’s standards. This article will guide you through the process of creating a project template for your team.

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TP0001 – Cannot found project.xml in template

This problem is caused by user trying to create project using the template saved in user’s team repository. Unfortunately the key content cannot be found in the downloaded template. Possible reason is the template is uploaded in zip format but not create with correct structure.

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List out diagram/model’s comment

Doc. Composer can let you output every details of your models and diagrams in fully customizable way. In this article you will learn how to create custom template to output the comments of diagrams or model elements in a project.

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Visual Paradigm 17.2 Cannot Perform Code Synchronization with Eclipse 2024-09 Integration

You may receive complain that your Eclipse project is not a Java project when perform code generation/reverse engineering with Eclipse 2024-09 integration.

Fail to perform code synchronization

Fail to perform code synchronization

To solve this problem:

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Understand the Change Request Process

Visual Paradigm version 17.2 introduced a change request approval process for users to make change to their models in a more systematic and governed manner. In this article you will learn how this process works. Read more

Compatibility between VP Desktop and VP Online Diagrams

VP Online (formerly called VPository) is a cloud platform provided by Visual Paradigm. For user with VP Online license they can use web based diagram editor to create various diagrams. For user with VP Desktop license they can use VP Online as their project repository for team collaboration development. When VP Desktop user using VP Online as project repository some of the diagrams will be auto-synchronized between VP Desktop and VP Online, while some of them are accessible only in VP Desktop and will send to VP Online as a revision upon commit his work (change history). Read more

Model Explorer Tree Not Fully Show Model’s Name

Sometimes you may found that the Model Explorer tree not fully show the name of the elements.

Element's name not fully show in Model Explorer

Element’s name not fully show in Model Explorer

This usually caused by your display is zoom to non 100% scale. Under this situation the Java runtime may return wrong value for UI rendering thus causing the text being truncated. Since version 17.1 build 20240320ax we had introduced a special configuration for user to overcome this situation. To perform this configuration:

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