
How to Specify the Application to Use in Opening File References?

How to Specify the Application to Use in Opening File References?The reference feature enables you to add external file and URL references to model elements. When you try to open a reference, Visual Paradigm will open it with system default application (or browser for URL reference). If you want to use another application or command to open certain kinds of file and URL references, read this article to learn how to make it work.

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How to Make Referenced File Accessible under Different Environments

00-file-ref-accessible-thumbThe file reference feature provides a handy way for you to associate your design with whatever kind of external files, to aid in the explanation and studying of design. You can make a UML use case link to a set of requirement specification, make an entity in ERD link to a scanned copy of order form, make an activity in business process diagram link to a document of instruction, etc.

Knowing that different people may store the same files in different places, in order to make the referenced files accessible in any environment, one can define a user path to the folder where the files are stored. Users can replace the user path themselves to make the file reference accessible in their own environments. Read more