Generate DDL from ER Model without Connect to Database

The database modeling tool in Visual Paradigm allow user to design and model database with Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). Besides modeling of database, you can also generate Database Definition Language (DDL) from your ERD. Unless you would like to generate DDL for altering the database, otherwise it is not necessary to setup connection with your database in order to generate DDL. You can simply pick the default database for your project, and let VP generate the database creation statement for you.

To specify the default database for your project:

  1. Go to Tools > DB > Database Configuration…

    Open Database Configuration dialog

    Open Database Configuration dialog

  2. Select the database on the left of the Database Configuration dialog.
    Select database in Database Configuration dialog

    Select database in Database Configuration dialog

    If you are selecting multiple database, then please pick one of it as the default database for your project.

    Specify default database if selected multiple databases

    Specify default database if selected multiple databases

  3. Leave the Hostname, port number and Database name unfilled.

    Leave the connection details unfilled

    Leave the connection details unfilled

  4. Press OK to close the Database Configuration

Once you have project database specified, you can go to Tools > DB > Generate Database to generate DDL.

Generate DDL for the entire ER model

Generate DDL for the entire ER model

Alternatively you can right click on the selected entities and select Generate SQL to generate DDL for your ER models.

Generate DDL for selected entities

Generate DDL for selected entities

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