Entries by Visual Paradigm Team

Capture Application Events using Open API

Open API is a powerful tool for developers to extend the functionality of Visual Paradigm software. It does not just allow you to have full access to the model data within your project, but also allow you to alter the behavior of the software. In this article, you will learn how to capture various events […]

Binding Delete Key on Mac Keyboard

In the past, the keyboards on Mac share similar layout as the standard PC keyboard which have both backspace and delete buttons. But since it has changed to a compact keyboard (without number pad), a single delete button is used to serve both delete and backspace functions. Starting from Visual Paradigm version 12.0 (build 20141226bu), […]

Find out the Type of Version Server You Are Using [Obsolete]

Team collaboration development on CVS, SVN, Perforce and ClearCase had been discontinued starting from Visual Paradigm version 13.0 Visual Paradigm supports performing team collaboration development over different version servers – the Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server, VPository (Teamwork Server on the cloud), Subversion, CVS, Preforce and ClearCase. Customers can choose their favorite versions of server for their tools […]

Solving SQL Server Connection Problem

Upon database modeling with Visual Paradigm, you always need to connect to the database server to perform generation of your database and reverse engineering of your ER model. However, you may encounter problem in connecting to the Microsoft SQL Server, which is a great obstruction to your modeling. In this article, we will provide ways […]