Why Textual Content in Wireframe not fully shown on Linux

Visual Paradigm’s project file always compatible between different platforms. i.e. your works created on Microsoft Windows can opened on Linux or Mac without any distortions. But when working on wireframes, you may notices a situation that the textual content looks differently on Linux with the original one created on a Microsoft Windows… Read more

How to Upgrade VP-UML on Mac (With Single Seat License) to New Version [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Single Seat License) to New Version for details about how to update your single seat licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version.
Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at http://www.visual-paradigm.com/aboutus/newsreleases/vp-product-amalgamation-2014.jsp

While the software industry keeps moving, Visual Paradigm keeps moving, too. Visual Paradigm release new version to Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) in few months, with each version covering a large amount of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, customers can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance contract. This article describes things that you need to know in order to upgrade your single seat license of VP-UML to new version, on Mac OS X. Read more

Error: Failure on request starting subscription

We have made the new subscription of VPository available only to users who are using the latest version of VP-UML, Agilian or Logizian. This is to allow us to provide our customers with the best possible service and that service is up to the latest standards and trends.

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How to migrate Teamwork Server from Built-in Authentication to Active Directory Authentication

Active Directory is a directory service implemented by Microsoft. It enhanced the security of your network by providing centralized user account and security policy management. Besides, it also provides authentication and authorization mechanisms for various services which compliant to it. You can configure your Teamwork Server to work with your Active Directory for user access and authentication control. In this article we will teach you how to migrate your existing Teamwork Server from using the build-in authentication to Active Directory authentication. Read more

How to Adjust Default PermGen Memory Setting for VP Server 12.1

VP Server is a server application which included the Teamwork Server, Floating License Server, Update Server, as well as the PostMania service. It is a core module supporting various activities of your team, such as teamwork operations*, access of floating license#, software update as well as online review and comment your system and business design^. The default memory setting in VP Server capable to handle tasks for most of the teams. But in extreme situation you may need to adjust the PermGen memory setup to let the server running smooth and accomplish your challenging tasks. In this article we will show you how to adjust the PermGen memory setting of your VP Server 12.1 (or older version). Read more

Create Communication Diagram using Open API

Communication diagram is a kind of behavior diagram in Unified Modeling Language (UML) which helps in visualize the interactions within and between systems. The Communication diagram focus on how objects collaboration together in particular scenario. Instead of creating communication diagram manually, you can also create it programmatically using Open API in Visual Paradigm’s products.

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How to Locate a Model Element in Model Explorer from a View?

Locate model element in model explorer
You may have a big project, with hundred, thousand, or even more model elements in it. When you are working primarily on a diagram and you want to know the model hierarchy of certain shape, a possible way would be to find out the model element in the Model Explorer and view the hierarchy there. But with so many model elements listed in Model Explorer, how do you effectively locate the model element you want? In this article, we will show you how.

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How to Draw a Class Diagram with Separate Distinct Classes with Same Name?

00-class-diagram-class-name-thumbUsers are not allowed to give same name to two different UML classes when the classes are put under the same parent. It is like you cannot have two physical files with same name in same directory, or having two Java classes with same name under same package.

If you really need to draw two different classes in a class diagram but with same name, please check if you are really doing something legit. This article is written to give you some helps.

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How to Assign Entities in ERD Database Designer to a Schema?

00-erd-schema-thumbVisual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) comes with an ERD database designer where database developers can model physical database with Entity Relationship Diagram. The database designer supports popular database constructs like database table (called Entity in VP-UML), View, Sequence, Stored Procedure, Trigger, etc, supporting the need of database modeling for any kind of database management systems.

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Featured: FREE Cloud Storage for Collaborative Software Modeling

VPository is a cloud-based collaboration platform launched by Visual Paradigm on June, 2013. The enterprise-strength collaborative platform provides software development teams with 1 GB FREE storage to store their software design. Team members can access VPository to checkout the projects they need and start working on them. Click on the links below to learn more about VPository.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact the Visual Paradigm support team.