When Reversing Java Code to Sequence Diagram, Why Can’t I Select an Operation?
When reversing Java code to sequence diagram, sometimes you may not be able to specify a method for conversion. In the window, somehow the class (to which the method belongs) can’t seem to be expanded to list anything and therefore the method is nowhere to be selected. What happens?
How to Create Containment Relationship with API
Open API not only allows you access the model data within the project, but also creating new model elements and connector. This is not only for standard connectors such as association, but also relationships such as containment. This article will show you how to create containment relationship using Open API. Read more
Group Generalizations with Generalization Set
When working on a use case diagram, you may have a superactor with a few subactors underneath from generalization. For formatting purpose, you may want to group the lines of generalization together for a more organized presentation. This can be done by creating a generalization set.
How to Deploy VP Server to Apache Tomcat as WAR
VP Server is a server package which combines Teamwork Server, Floating License Server, Update Server also ElaborView Server into a single server. The default installation package already bundled with Apache Tomcat. But if you want to deploy it your own Tomcat, you may take the following procedures: Read more
How to Manage Nickname with API
Most of the case, your model just needs to be share by your team, and they are in single language. But in some organizations, especially those with branches in multiple countries, you may need to share your model with different teams, and probably they are using different language. It is painful that you need to maintain multiple sets of models, each on one language. Every time when you need to make modification, you need apply the same modification on all the models you have. This is time very annoying and consuming. Read more
How to Perform Refactoring
In an ideal world of system design, we’d probably want to create a generic library to store common components for reuse. That way, we can avoid creating the same components over and over again. Also, any changes you need to make to a component will automatically be rippled down to all projects which point to the same generic library.
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How to Find the Property and Model Element Type Names in Editing Report Templates
Report composer is a flexible report developing tool, enabling you to control the layout of report content as well as the content to show. You can control the outcome by editing template. Yet, you may find it uneasy to read and edit a template in XML format. Here we are going to share some tips with you. In this article, we will show you how to find out the correct property (e.g. name, modelType) and model element type names (e.g. UseCase, Class) to use in a template.
What to do If You Cannot Resize Shapes in a Diagram
Sometimes when you reopen your project and try to edit the diagram, you find that the shapes in your diagram are not resizable. This probably caused by you have turned on the auto-fit size option of your diagram. This could be caused by you accidentally turned on this option, or your other team member turned it on when they editing the same diagram in teamwork environment. By turn on this option, all the shapes in your diagram will be fitted its size automatically, thus, all the resize points around the shape will be disabled. Read more
How to Use Customized Type in Object Relational Mapping
When defining class model for your persistent layer, a class is defined as part of the static data model instead of controller or user interface items. And the class is directly mapped to table(s) in your database. As the class is mapped to tables, its attributes is also mapped to columns in table. In order to make the mapping work, you have to model attributes with primitive types like integer, boolean, String, etc. You cannot model the attribute as any other types which are not compatible with database.
To overcome this, you can make use of ORM User Type to define customized datatype for attributes, and persistent its value into database. This article will teach you how to use ORM User Type. Read more
How to Retrieve Relationships from Models Using API
A relationship is a connection between model elements, which indicate model elements physically or logically related to each other. Different relationships in UML have their own semantics, and different model elements may have different sets of relationships which can apply to it. This article will show you the types of relationships in VP and how to retrieve them from your model elements. Read more