How to Retrieve Relationships from Models Using API

A relationship is a connection between model elements, which indicate model elements physically or logically related to each other. Different relationships in UML have their own semantics, and different model elements may have different sets of relationships which can apply to it. This article will show you the types of relationships in VP and how to retrieve them from your model elements. Read more

How to Add Stereotypes from Reference Project to Model Element Using API

Stereotype is one of the extensibility mechanism used in Unified Modeling Language (UML). It allows developers to extend the meaning of a model element. By using stereotype, developer can define domain specific properties to model element and make it suitable for a particular problem domain. Visual Paradigm’s product support defining stereotypes for model, not just via the application interface, but also using Open API. In the old API, you can only specify stereotype to model element from your current working project. Starting from VP Suite 5.2 (build 20110518r), we introduced new interface to let you specify stereotypes from your dependent projects. This article will teach you how to specify a stereotype which is from a dependent to a model element. Read more

How to Modify Default Port Used by VP Server

VP Server is a web application including Teamwork Server, Floating License Server, Update Server also the ElaborView Server. You can enable different services by setting up one single server. The VP Server can be setup in two ways, either with our standard package which comes with a well configured Apache Tomcat, or with the Web Application package by deploy it to your own servlet container.

By default VP Server run on port 1999. But in some situation you may want to change it to other port, i.e. conflict with some of your existing services. This article will teach you how to modify the default port for VP Server web application. Read more

How to Insert Model Reference to Documentation Using API

Visual Paradigm supports inserting different linkage into documentation section of a model element, including reference to another model element in your project. You can do this inside the application user interface in few clicks. But how to do this by using Open API? Read more

Setup Floating License Server as System Service on Linux

You can setup the Floating License Server as Linux system service. By setting up the server as service, it will start automatically when your machine boots up. This article will show you how to setup the floating license server as Linux system service. Read more

Why Cannot Install Both SDE and DB-VA on the Same IDE [Obsolete]

VP Suite installer is the installation program for installing all Visual Paradigm’s client software. During installation you may notices that there are both SDE and DB-VA products available. Read more

Show and Hide Resource Icons

Resource centric icons are a set of graphical icons that appear in diagram to help you perform certain functions in quick. A well known kind of resource icon is those surrounding shapes, helping you to create new shape from an existing one, with connection added in between. There are also other kinds of resource icons, which help perform operations like to align shapes, to pin a connector end, to create reference/sub-diagram or to split a connector by introducing a new shape.
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Performance Boost for Your Large Project

Sometimes, users experienced the application running slow when the size of the model grows. This probably caused by the project is not well organized, which causes necessary operations in run-time. Visual Paradigm incorporate some smart features helps you to model a big system in an efficient way, and below are few tips helps you to organize your models inside your project.

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Adjust Memory Settings for Teamwork Server

When Teamwork Server starts, it will reserve certain amount of memory from your system. This memory allocation setting can be specified inside the launching script of the server. Read more

Show Diagram’s Project Management Properties in Diagram Info Shape

Diagram info shape provides a place to document and display diagram information in diagram. You can add diagram info shape to any diagram to document a diagram.

Project management properties are a set pre-defined properties, made for recording additional management-level information for all kinds of project data.

With diagram info shape, you can show in diagram the project management properties of that diagram, through the use of variables. In this article, you will see how to apply those variables.

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