How to Perform Silent Installation on Visual Paradigm
Visual Paradigm can be installed via Visual Paradigm’s installer in few clicks. But in some situation, say bulk installation, you may not want to install the software one by one through the installer. In this case you can use the silent install mechanism to install the software automatically. This article will teach you how to perform silent installation of Visual Paradigm. Read more
Manipulate the nickname of a diagram and model element using Open API
You might need to create diagrams in multilingual for different team members around the globe. Instead of maintaining multiple set of diagrams of the same models for several languages, the nickname feature in Visual Paradigm enables you to define multiple languages for a single set of diagrams, allowing you to switch between different languages in just a matter of a few clicks. The nickname can be manipulated directly from the GUI, or through the use of the Open API. This article shows you how develop a plugin yourself by swapping the original name of the diagram and model element with the current selected nickname. Read more
Create relationship between entities using unique index
The unique index of an entity guarantees the record to be covered by index key containing no duplicated value, which helps to improve the performance of the database on accessing the data. The unique index is similar to primary key where the only difference is an entity can only have one primary key, but it can multiple unique indices in different column of an entity. In Visual Paradigm you can establish relationship between entities using both primary key and unique index. We will show you how to create relationship between entities using unique index in this article. Read more
How to connect Visual Paradigm with multiple VPository
VPository is a cloud-based collaboration platform provided by Visual Paradigm. VPository allow software teams to store and share Visual Paradigm projects with team members. Companies could using VPository for team collaboration. In some situation user may need to connect with different VPository during their work, i.e. a consultant may need to connect to the VPository form their different customers. Since each Visual Paradigm workspace can only connect to one VPository, to achieve this user will need to work with multiple workspace, with each workspace connect to one VPository.
To do this: Read more
How to retrieve use story scenario via Open API
In requirement capturing use case is typically used to model the system goal where there user or stakeholder would like to achieve. Sometimes the use case could be very big and hard to manage. In agile development approach the use case would further break down into smaller pieces called user story. The user story is small and should be able to complete within a sprint so that the team can easily manage it and make progress to the development in consistent manner. Visual Paradigm support capture requirements with user stories, and within each user story user can define various execution scenarios that developers should be catered during development. The user story scenario is not just available to access within the VP’s interface, but also accessible from the Open API. In this article we will show you how to retrieve the scenario information using Open API. Read more
Setting up Floating License and License server on Mac
Floating license enables users to share the Visual Paradigm concurrently based on the limit of concurrent access specified on the floating license. In order to access the floating license, you need to install the VP Server and enable its Floating License Server Module in your Local Area Network in advance. This article will demonstrate how to download, install and configure VP Server and enable the Floating License Server module on Mac environment.
How to make 2 entities map to a single class
Visual Paradigm support generate UML Class Model by analyzing the Entity Relationship Model you defined or from your database. The generated class model can then use to generate hibernate source code. By default each entity will be generated into one class model during the process. But in some situation you may want to have 2 related entities mapped to a single class model for better access of information in your program. In this article we will teach you how generate a single class for 2 entities in your model. Read more
How to create different notations in a single diagram
Visual Paradigm supported modeling with various notations, including the Unified Modeling Language (UML), System Modeling Language (SysML), Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Organization Chart, etc… When creating diagrams very often you may want to cross reference the notations from other diagram type, or even from other notation standards. In Visual Paradigm you can do it easily by customizing the diagram toolbar. In this article we will show you how it works. Read more
How to upgrade your academic license to new version
Visual Paradigm Academic Partner Program is established for tertiary education institutions to adopt object-oriented technology. Educational institutions taking part in Academic Partner Program will be entitled to software license of Visual Paradigm, providing that the software is solely used for educational purposes. The academic license will be entitle for all the version upgrade through the subscription period. In this article we will show you how to upgrade your academic license to latest version. Read more
Why isn’t my license upgraded to the latest version despite having active maintenance?
If your Visual Paradigm license is covered by active maintenance, you will be eligible for an upgrade to the latest version. But sometimes, you may find your license remains not upgraded even though the maintenance is active. Why is it so?