How to Upgrade VP-UML/Logizian/Agilian (Single Seat License) with Teamwork Server to Visual Paradigm [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Single Seat License) and Teamwork Server to New Version for details about how to update your single seat licensed Visual Paradigm and Teamwork Server to latest version. |
Over the years, Visual Paradigm International Ltd. has delivered lifecycle visual modeling platforms in order to help our customers to build quality software applications faster, better and cheaper, including the three major product series: Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML), Logizian and Agilian. In version 11.1, we amalgamated them to become one single product and has renamed it into Visual Paradigm which is the same as our corporation. Thanks to the Visual Paradigm Software Maintenance, you can upgrade to Visual Paradigm without extra cost as long as your license is within the maintenance period. This article below will teach you how to upgrade your single seat VP-UML/Logizian/Agilian license with VPository to Visual Paradigm, the new product.
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How to Upgrade VP-UML/Logizian/Agilian (Floating License) to Visual Paradigm [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Floating License) to New Version for details about how to update your floating licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version. |
Over the years, Visual Paradigm International Ltd. has delivered lifecycle visual modeling platforms in order to help our customers to build quality software applications faster, better and cheaper, including the three major product series: Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML), Logizian and Agilian. In version 11.1, we amalgamated them to become one single product and has renamed it into Visual Paradigm which is the same as our corporation. Thanks to the Visual Paradigm Software Maintenance, you can upgrade to Visual Paradigm without extra cost as long as your license is within the maintenance period. This article below will teach you how to upgrade your single seat VP-UML/Logizian/Agilian license with VPository to Visual Paradigm, the new product.
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How to Upgrade VP-UML/Logizian/Agilian (Single Seat License) to Visual Paradigm [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Single Seat License) to New Version for details about how to update your single seat licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version. |
Over the years, Visual Paradigm International Ltd. has delivered lifecycle visual modeling platforms in order to help our customers to build quality software applications faster, better and cheaper, including the three major product series: Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML), Logizian and Agilian. In version 11.1, we amalgamated them to become one single product and has renamed it into Visual Paradigm which is the same as our corporation. Thanks to the Visual Paradigm Software Maintenance, you can upgrade to Visual Paradigm without extra cost as long as your license is within the maintenance period. This article below will teach you how to upgrade your single seat VP-UML/Logizian/Agilian license with VPository to Visual Paradigm, the new product.
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How to Adjust the Reserved Memory Level for VP Server on Windows System Service
VP Server is a server application supporting various activities for your development work, including the teamwork operation*, access of floating license#, software update as well as online review and comment your system and business design^. The default memory configuration in VP Server is targeted to handle all these tasks. You can alter this configuration to fit the needs for your team. For example, teams with lower requirements can free up resources for other applications by down tune the reserved memory level for VP Server. Teams with high performance needs can tune up the reserved memory level to ensure the server having sufficient resources. In this article you will learn how to adjust the reserved memory level for VP Server system service on Microsoft Windows. Read more
Boost performance for Visual Paradigm’s App on Mac OS X Mavericks
The latest Mac OS X Mavericks introduced couple of new features which help in improving the overall performance of the system, and preserve battery life for portable systems. One of them is call App Nap. The App Nap helps to slow down the applications which is being completely covered by another app Read more
How to Upgrade Logizian on Mac (With Subscription License) to New Version [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Subscription License) to New Version for details about how to update your Visual Paradigm subscription to latest version. |
Logizian was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at |
While the software industry keeps moving, Visual Paradigm keeps moving, too. Visual Paradigm release new version to Logizian in few months, with each version covering a large amount of new features and enhancements. As a subscription user, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost all the way through your subscription period. This article describes things that you need to know in order to upgrade your single seat license of Logizian to new version, on Mac OS X. Read more
How to Upgrade Agilian on Mac (With Subscription License) to New Version [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Subscription License) to New Version for details about how to update your Visual Paradigm subscription to latest version. |
Agilian was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at |
While the software industry keeps moving, Visual Paradigm keeps moving, too. Visual Paradigm release new version to Agilian in few months, with each version covering a large amount of new features and enhancements. As a subscription user, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost all the way through your subscription period. This article describes things that you need to know in order to upgrade your single seat license of Agilian to new version, on Mac OS X. Read more
How to upgrade VP-UML on Mac (With Subscription License) to New Version [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Subscription License) to New Version for details about how to update your Visual Paradigm subscription to latest version. |
Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at |
While the software industry keeps moving, Visual Paradigm keeps moving, too. Visual Paradigm release new version to Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) in few months, with each version covering a large amount of new features and enhancements. As a subscription user, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost all the way through your subscription period. This article describes things that you need to know in order to upgrade your single seat license of VP-UML to new version, on Mac OS X. Read more
How to Upgrade Logizian on Mac (With Single Seat License) to New Version [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Single Seat License) to New Version for details about how to update your single seat licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version. |
Logizian was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at |
While the software industry keeps moving, Visual Paradigm keeps moving, too. Visual Paradigm release new version to Logizian in few months, with each version covering a large amount of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, customers can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance contract. This article describes things that you need to know in order to upgrade your single seat license of Logizian to new version, on Mac OS X.
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How to Upgrade Agilian on Mac (With Single Seat License) to New Version [Obsolete]
This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Single Seat License) to New Version for details about how to update your single seat licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version. |
Agilian was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at |
While the software industry keeps moving, Visual Paradigm keeps moving, too. Visual Paradigm release new version to Agilian in few months, with each version covering a large amount of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, customers can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance contract. This article describes things that you need to know in order to upgrade your single seat license of Agilian to new version, on Mac OS X.
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