How to generate work task from PERT Chart

PERT Chart is a popular project management tool used to schedule, organize and coordinate task within a project. The word PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique, a methodology developed by the U.S. Navy in 1950s to manage the Polaris submarine missile program. In Visual Paradigm the PERT Chart is not a stand still diagram, it can generate into actual executable tasks and assign to team members to carry out the work. In this article you will learn how to generate executable tasks form PERT Chart.

  1. Make sure you have logged in to your VPository/On-Premises Teamwork Server when editing your PERT Chart.
  2. In your PERT Chart, press the Configure Members button at the top right of the diagram.

    Configure Members

  3. Select the members who will be participate to the execution of the tasks and add them to the Selected Press OK to close the Configure Members dialog.

    Add members to Selected list

  4. Right click on the task and select Edit RACI.

    Edit RACI for the task

  5. Specify the member who will be Responsible, Accountable, Approval, Consulted and Informed to the task. Press OK to confirm the job assignment.

    Assign members for different responsibilities of the task

  6. Repeat the steps to specify the RACI for other tasks.
  7. Now we have to specify the Task Pool for the tasks. To do this press the Add Color Element > New Color Element in Diagram Legend at the bottom right of the diagram.

    Define color code to represent the task pool

  8. Specify the name of the color code In the Add Color Element.

    Specify the name for the color code

  9. Select existing task pool in your project under the Task Pool combo box. If your project didn’t have any Task Pool defined you can then select New Task Pool to define one.

    Select existing, or create new Task Pool for the color code

  10. If you select create a new Task Pool then specify its name and give a general description to it in the Create New Task Pool Press Create to proceed.

    Define details for new Task Pool

  11. Pick a color for the color code. This step is optional but help to visually distinguish the task pool where the task belongs to.

    Pick color for color code

  12. Now select the color code in Diagram Legend and click on the task to apply it. Once the color is applied the task will belongs to the task pool defined by the color code.

    Specify Task pool for task by applying color code

  13. Repeat the steps to apply color code to tasks.

    Finish specify Task Pool for tasks

  14. Once it is done, right click on the blank area of the diagram and select Utilities > Generate PERT Tasks to Tasifier to generate the tasks.

    Generate PERT Tasks to Tasifier

  15. Alternatively you can also trigger the task generation from diagram’s Action Bar (on the right hand side of the diagram).

    Generate Task from Action Bar

  16. Press OK to confirm generation of task.

    Confirm to generate task

  17. Now the tasks are created in Tasifier. Go to Team > Tasifier and you will see the tasks are created under the specified task pool in your project.

    Tasks created to project in Tasifier

  18. And started tasks will automatically show in the My Tasks view of the assigned users.

    Started task show in member’s My Task view

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