Entries by Visual Paradigm Team

Understanding Exit Code returned by Visual Paradigm’s Command Line Interface

Visual Paradigm command line interface allow users to operate various Visual Paradigm’s functionalities without initiate the graphical user interface. Upon finish it will store the execution status into system’s exit code. User creating automated procedures can use the exit code to determine the next step to proceed. Below is the meaning of exit code returned […]

How to Migrate VP Server

The migration procedure provides a way for user to move data from one server to another one. This is helpful under the following situation: Move the server from one machine to another machine (include changing OS) Change of server database (i.e. form embedded database to external database) Upgrade server which span across multiple versions (i.e. […]

How to upgrade your VP Online (VPository) to new version

VP Online (formerly called VPository) is a cloud-based collaboration platform provided by Visual Paradigm. VP Online allow software teams to store and share Visual Paradigm projects with team members, as well as provide web based edition facilities for some diagrams. Software teams who subscribed to VP Online are granted a company-wide domain where project can […]