Adjust maximum number of connector limit for layout the diagram

Layout of diagram is a resource intensive action. By default Visual Paradigm set the limit to handle maximum 300 connectors in single diagram when perform layout. If your diagram got more than 300 connectors then the following message will be shown when you try to perform layout.

Layout diagram hitting maximum number of connector limit

Layout diagram hitting maximum number of connector limit

This is not an error message, but just to tell you that the number of connectors on your diagram is exceeding the default limit. The engine will still help you to layout the diagram, but the connector will only render following to the diagram’s presentation setting. To override this limit:

  1. Go to Visual Paradigm’s setting folder.
    Windows: %appdata%/VisualParadigm
    Linux: ~/.config/VisualParadigm
    Mac ~/Library/Application Support/VisualParadigm
  2. Create a blank file UserSpecific.options.

    Create UserSpecific.options file

    Create UserSpecific.options file

  3. Add the line LayoutMaxConnector=1000 to the file and save the change.

    Specify maximum number of connector handle by layout engine

    Specify maximum number of connector handle by layout engine

  4. Startup VP application

Now the layout engine will set the limit to handle maximum 1000 connectors in your diagram. You can adjust this value according to your needs.

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