How to output relationships details using Doc. Composer

Doc. Composer provides an extremely customizable way to query the details of model elements and out put them into Word, PDF and HTML documents. In this article we will teach you how to customize the document templates to output the details of a relationship model. Read more

Why the class members not being generate to document?

Trying to create custom document template on Class Diagram to output its containing classes and its members but none of the class member being rendered…

No class member being rendered to document

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Control Background Color of Table Rows in Doc. Composer

The Doc. Composer template allow users to customize how the model data being generated into documents. User can freely control how the rendering of model data by writing XML template. In this article we will demonstrate how to control the background color of table rows when writing XML templates. Read more

Generate Document for each Business Process Diagram in Project using Open API

Doc. Composer is a build-in document builder in Visual Paradigm which allows user create professional looks document with fully customizable XML templates. With the Build from Scratch mode user can create customized XML template and drag & drop it into document editor for rendering documents. This process can be automated using Open API. In this document we will demonstrate how create plugin to automatic publish all business process diagrams in your project to Word document using your specified XML template. Read more

Output All Glossary Terms and Alias to Document

Visual Paradigm support using glossary to define the meaning of vocabulary in the software project. For terms representing same meaning could be defined as alias for linking up the concept. When modeling the element which matched with glossary and its alias will automatically highlighted in diagram. The glossary and alias can also being output to document for review purpose or become part of the project documentation. In this article we will show you how to output all glossary and its alias using Doc. Composer. Read more

How to printout reference diagram for model element

Visual Paradigm support adding diagrams to model element as reference for provide supplementary information to your design. This reference relationship is not just a link defined in model, but also can output into document via Doc. Composer. You can output the reference by just display its name under the model element, or print the referenced diagram inline to the details of the model element. In this article we will show you how to print out the reference diagram inline to the details of model element. Read more

Output Business Process Task Procedures to Document

In Visual Paradigm user can define multiple set of working procedure to task and sub-process in business process diagram. The working procedures can be extracted from Doc. Composer and generate into a work manual.

Suppose we got the following BPD and with procedure defined on each task.

Task with procedures defined

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Why the table in my document always start on new page?

When generating document using Fill-in doc my table always start on new page instead of following the previous paragraph….

Table always start on new page

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Output the RACI value for particular role in the project

Doc. Composer allows you easily output responsibility of a role (pools and lanes in business process) against all related task and sub-process within the project at once. In this article we will demonstrate how to output all tasks related to particular role and his responsibility value by using customized templates. Read more

Generate links to glossary term in Doc. Composer

A glossary term is a word or phrase that is important within your project scope. In Visual Paradigm you can define the glossary terms and organize them in Glossary Grid. The glossaries in project can be outputted to document using Doc. Composer with the linkage maintained. Read more