List out all model elements with references

With Doc. Composer you can easily list out all model elements in your project which having particular properties defined. In this article we will demonstrate how to list out the model elements in your project which having references with other diagrams, model elements or external resources. Read more

Integrate Content into Word Documents with Doc. Composer

If you want to insert project details (e.g. images, element details) into an existing Word document, use Doc. Composer’s ‘Fill-in Doc’ mode.

Doc. Composer features two modes – Build from Scratch and Fill-in Doc. Typically, a project documentation or report is a combination of background information like project goal, scope and constraints, and design details like use case details, database design, process design, etc. The Fill-in Doc mode of Doc. Composer is designed to help you “fill-in” the design details of your documentation.

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Building Document with Custom Templates

Although Doc. Composer comes with a complete set of built-in element templates, you may still want to customize or even to write your own templates for maximizing the efficiency of document design. You can accomplish this by writing and programming your own element templates.

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Accessing Model Hierarchy Recursively

When working with a nested model, you may want to access and printout the details of elements within a hierarchy recursively. Since the level of model can be unlimited, it is hard to write a custom element template with a chunk of code repeated a certain number of time, not to mention this way of coding will make the template messy and hard to maintain. To solve this problem you can form a recursive template call by applying the concept of template referencing. If you are a programmer, the idea is exactly the same as a recursive method call in programming. All you need to do is to add the element in the appropriate place in the template, to instruct the template engine to process the same template, forming a self-loop. We will walk you through the details in this article.

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User Story scenarios

User story is one of the very important component for users who capture requirements with Visual Paradigm. Each user story features a set of properties for you to describe the different aspect of a user problem or requirement. A property is called scenario. Each scenario involves a set of steps, recording the preferred system behavior in accomplishing that specific user story.

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Create Document having Mixed Page Orientation

The Build from Scratch mode in Doc. Composer provide a page like editor to create document for the models. It allow user to create the content page by page. The size of the page and orientation directly affect how much content can be shown in the document. In some situation you may want to have a different page orientation just for specific page, i.e. to best use the page size to show a landscape style BPD. We will show you how to change the page orientation for a specific page in this article.

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Retrieve Sprints and Associated User Stories

Visual Paradigm support agile development process via UeXceler, which you can break down your work into user stories and organize and priorities the development work with sprints. Starting from version 14.0 build 20170320av you can retrieve the user stories from sprints using Doc. Composer. We will walk you through the details in this article.

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