Understanding Exit Code returned by Visual Paradigm’s Command Line Interface

Visual Paradigm command line interface allow users to operate various Visual Paradigm’s functionalities without initiate the graphical user interface. Upon finish it will store the execution status into system’s exit code. User creating automated procedures can use the exit code to determine the next step to proceed. Below is the meaning of exit code returned by Visual Paradigm’s command line interface.

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Launch Visual Paradigm in Specific Edition According to the License Available in Floating License Server

Visual Paradigm’s floating license environment allow teams running in mixed editions of Visual Paradigm. User can launch Visual Paradigm in specific edition according to the availability of license in license server. To do this:

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Specify Default Size of Task and Sub-process in Business Process Diagram

In Visual Paradigm you can specify the default size of the task & sub-process element created in your business process diagram. To specify the default size of task & sub-process:

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Find out Model Elements with Specific Stereotype using ETL Table

The ETL Table in Visual Paradigm is a powerful tool which allows you to perform query on your models. It not just allows you to find out the models based using its name or specific text in documentation, but allows you to lookup the models based on the values of its specific properties. In this article we demonstrate how to find out the model elements which having specific stereotype being assigned.

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How to Migrate VP Server

The migration procedure provides a way for user to move data from one server to another one. This is helpful under the following situation:

  • Move the server from one machine to another machine (include changing OS)
  • Change of server database (i.e. form embedded database to external database)
  • Upgrade server which span across multiple versions (i.e. from v12 directly to v16)
  • Update server runtime

To perform server migration:

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Configure VP Server to perform user authentication with Kerberos

tomcat-thumbStarting from version 16.0 Visual Paradigm’s on-premises Teamwork Server and VP Online support user authentication with Kerberos. This article explains how to configure your Teamwork Server/VP Online for Kerberos authentication.

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How to output class members to document which only show in diagram

Visual Paradigm support reuse models in different diagrams. The same element can have different presentations, or even showing different details on different diagrams. i.e., a class can show different set of attributes in different diagrams subject to the context. In this article we will show you how to create document for your classes which only showing the attributes which presented in your diagram.

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How to Modify Default Port of VP Server’s Content Repository

In latest version 16.0 Visual Paradigm introduced a new Form Builder feature (supported in Professional Edition or above) which allow user to create executable forms using visual editor. The designed form can go live for data collection. For on-premises Teamwork Server or local workspace (local personal server) the data collected by the forms will be stored in the local Content Repository within the server. Subject to user’s environment the default port used by Content Repository may conflict with other services on user’s computer. In case conflict was found user can change the port used by Content Repository. To change the port number of Content Repository:

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Create relationships between models by importing data from Excel

Visual Paradigm’s Excel export and import allow users to import data into project. This not just for importing of model elements, but also for relationships. In this article we will show you how to create relationships between models using the Excel.

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How to upgrade your VP Online (VPository) to new version

tomcat-thumbVP Online (formerly called VPository) is a cloud-based collaboration platform provided by Visual Paradigm. VP Online allow software teams to store and share Visual Paradigm projects with team members, as well as provide web based edition facilities for some diagrams. Software teams who subscribed to VP Online are granted a company-wide domain where project can be stored. When you upgrade your Visual Paradigm client to new version, your VP Online needs to follow. But don’t worry, you don’t need to get your hands dirty for the upgrade as Visual Paradigm Support Team do it for you. All you need to do is send us the request. In this article we will show you how to request for upgrade for your VP Online. Read more