Adjust maximum number of connector limit for layout the diagram
Layout of diagram is a resource intensive action. By default Visual Paradigm set the limit to handle maximum 300 connectors in single diagram when perform layout. If your diagram got more than 300 connectors then the following message will be shown when you try to perform layout.
Layout diagram hitting maximum number of connector limit
Output Operation Signature of Call Message in Sequence Diagram to Doc. Composer
With the Doc. Composer user can output the details of the sequence diagram into HTML, PDF and MS Word. In this article we will create customized template to output the call message of a lifeline including the call message operation signature to document.
How to Share Entire Project on PostMania
PostMania is a tool bundled in VP Teamwork Server/VP Online that lets you share the diagrams that you’ve created in Visual Paradigm with others even they are not using Visual Paradigm product. You can also collect their feedback after they have view your diagrams. You can share to user on specific diagram(s) only, or share on the entire project. To share entire project:
Create iPhone Wireframe Using Open API
Wireframe is a very effective tool for develop screen mock-up. It’s simple and easy-to-draw nature allow developers quickly develop the screen design. This allow stakeholders foresee how the new system look like before you really develop it. This article will show you how to create a simple iPhone wireframe using Open API.
iPhone wireframe create with Open API
Output all class associations into document
Doc. Composer allow user retrieve and output model details by creating custom templates. In this article we will create customize template to output the associations for classes under specific scope.
Switching Edition of Visual Paradigm
Changing product edition is particularly necessary when you want to test the functionalities supported by different editions of Visual Paradigm during evaluation period, or reserve license in particular edition for your teammate when running in floating license environment. This article will show you how to switch the edition of your Visual Paradigm software. Read more
How to Migrate to Visual Paradigm 15.2 Work Item Composer?
Starting from Visual Paradigm 15.2, a new work item authoring mechanism has been introduced, which makes the entire authoring process more seamless and effortless. It is recommended that users who upgraded from earlier versions start using the new Work Item Composer for authoring. Below we will walk you through the details.
How to solve the problem on cannot enter non-English characters to Story Map on Mac
Some Mac users may experience problem on unable to enter non-English characters into story map. To solve this problem:
How to change the user account for VP Server database
VP Server using database plus file system to store its configuration data and model information (for Teamwork Server user). VP Server can be configure to run with embedded database, or using external database such as MySQL, Maria DB, SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL. In case VP Server is configured to run with external database and the connection info need to be changed, i.e. change to a new password due to password policy, user can follow the steps below to alter database connection info for their VP Server. Read more
Cannot connect Visual Paradigm Desktop Client to VP Online repository
When try to connect to VP Online but button was being disabled…
Both signup and login buttons being disabled when trying to access VP Online