Report changes between revisions

Starting from version 14.1 you can report the changes between revisions of your project via Doc. Composer. In this article we will demonstrate how to output the changes of your project between the specified revisions in tabular form.

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Understanding date time format of comment

When inserting comment to diagram/model element via Open API the date & time look different to those created from GUI.

Comment generated by Open API showing different date time format

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Defining template for columns in fill-in doc.

Starting from version 14.1 user can specify template for each column when generating Fill-in Doc. This give user more flexibility on constructing tables in Fill-in Doc without creating their own table templates. When defining table in Doc. Base user can specify template in column using ${TEMPLATE notation. Consider you have the following table in your Doc. Base file where you wish to output the name of diagram in first column, and the diagram image in the second column:

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Sorting Elements According to their Location in Diagram

When output diagram elements to document via Doc. Composer, by default elements are sorted according to their creation order in the diagram. The sort order can be controlled by define sorting parameters in Doc. Composer templates, including to sort the elements according to their location in your diagram. In this article we will demonstrate how to control the sort order of element according to their location in the diagram.

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Running Floating License with VP Online (VPository)

VP Online is a free cloud service for Visual Paradigm users to perform various team collaboration activities such as version control, change management, task management, agile requirement capturing, etc. Now floating license users no longer need to setup their own floating license server. They can host their floating license using VP Online for reduce their administration work. This also enable their license accessible from any place around the word without the needs of setup of any VPN or special tunnel. This article will show you how to configure your VP Online workspace to host your floating license. Read more

Retrieve Sprints and Associated User Stories

Visual Paradigm support agile development process via UeXceler, which you can break down your work into user stories and organize and priorities the development work with sprints. Starting from version 14.0 build 20170320av you can retrieve the user stories from sprints using Doc. Composer. We will walk you through the details in this article.

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Changing Order of Child Elements using Open API

tomcat-thumbThe Model Explorer is the place which showing entire model collection in your project as well as their structures. Visual Paradigm provide different ways for present the elements in Model Explore by using different sorting algorithms. But even the best sorting algorithms sometimes may not fit you need. In this case you may need to manually order the elements in the order you like. With Open API you can do this programmatically by creating a plugin. In this article we will show you how to change the order of child elements in the selected parent model element. Read more

Control background color of shape using Open API

tomcat-thumbWhen creating diagram sometimes you might want to have shapes showing different background color. To do this you can specify the background color of individual elements one by one. But instead of manually specify the background color shape by shape, you can also do this via Open API. In this article we will demonstrate how to control the background color setting of elements in your active diagram using Visual Paradigm Open API. Read more

Generate CRUD chart for DFD using Open API

tomcat-thumbCRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) are the four basic operations which being performed on data. When analyzing a system, relaying various activities and data together with a CRUD chart can help to understand the relationships between different activities, and how they being link together by the data. Visual Paradigm support creating CRUD chart for any model elements in the project. Besides manually create the CRUD chart you can also generate programmatically using Open API. In this article we will teach you how to generate CRUD chart using Open API. Read more