Integrate Content into Word Documents with Doc. Composer

If you want to insert project details (e.g. images, element details) into an existing Word document, use Doc. Composer’s ‘Fill-in Doc’ mode.

Doc. Composer features two modes – Build from Scratch and Fill-in Doc. Typically, a project documentation or report is a combination of background information like project goal, scope and constraints, and design details like use case details, database design, process design, etc. The Fill-in Doc mode of Doc. Composer is designed to help you “fill-in” the design details of your documentation.

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How to retrieve model element in your project using Open API

tomcat-thumbVisual Paradigm’s Open API allow user to access the model data in your project in programmatic way by creating plugin. With Open API you can create new diagram or model elements to your project, also retrieve the diagram or model elements form your project and manipulate it. When dealing with model element there are 2 approach we can use to retrieve it from your project. In this article we will teach you how to obtain the model element via Open API. Read more

How to overload operations in class model

Overloading methods is a very important technique in object-oriented modeling. It offer the ability to create multiple operations of same name with different implementations. In Visual Paradigm you can overload the operations simply from its specification dialog. To overload the operation: Read more

How to retrieve a diagram in your project using Open API

Visual Paradigm’s Open API allow user to access the model data in your project in programmatic way by creating plugin. With Open API you can create new diagram or model elements to your project, also retrieve the diagram or model elements form your project and manipulate it. Read more

How to extend your Visual Paradigm monthly subscription

tomcat-thumbVisual Paradigm license subscription service allow user to rent and use Visual Paradigm software on monthly basis. By default the subscription license will be extended automatically with recurring payment, but for those not with recurring payment user will have to extend it manually to keep the subscription alive, or instate his expired subscription. In this article you will learn how to extend your Visual Paradigm subscription, both inside Visual Paradigm or from your Customer Service Center account. Read more

How to lookup the content of your Doc. Composer template for reference

tomcat-thumbDoc. Composer allows you to develop documents for your models tailored to your company/industry requirements and standards. You can decide how the model data are being presented in the document by customized the document templates. When customizing the document templates, referencing from those bundled by Visual Paradigm would always be a good point to kick start. But when you start look at the bundled templates, you may found that many of the bundled templates are actually referencing to other templates, and you may have difficulty on fining out the actual templates. In this article we will show you how to find out the actual templates so that you can reference to it and start modify your own template. Read more

Organize Project Data with Model

Very often when a project was started for some time, a lot of model elements are created, and most of them are placed at root. This not only makes the searching of model elements become difficult, but it also slow down the application because Visual Paradigm tries to load all root level model elements on start up.

To solve the problem, it is recommended to keep the root clean by organizing project data with models or packages, while model is more preferred. When you right click on the project root in Model Structure tree in Project Browser, you can see the menu Model, which lets you create a model. Read more

How to setup ArchiMetric in 32 bit environment [Obsolete]

Since version 14.0 ArchiMetric had been replaced by Visual Paradigm Enterprise.

tomcat-thumbArchiMetric (former Visual Paradigm Enterprise Edition) is an all-in-one software and system development tool for end-to-end information technology system modeling. As 64 bit system already become the majority player, ArchiMetric only offer installation package for 64 bit systems. But even 32 bit installation package is not available for ArchiMetric, you can still run the ArchiMetric in 32 bit environment. This article will teach you how to run ArchiMetric in 32 bit environment. Read more

Export model to CSV

tomcat-thumbCSV (comma-separated values) file is a very common file format for saving textual data in table structure. Each line in the CSV file is presenting an entry, while fields in each record is speared by commas (or other separator). Data in CSV can be used with any spreadsheet program, or even for exchange of information between applications. In this article we will show you how you can make use of Visual Paradigm Open API to create a plugin which export the use case models in your project into a CSV file.

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