How to change the user account for VP Server database

VP Server using database plus file system to store its configuration data and model information (for Teamwork Server user). VP Server can be configure to run with embedded database, or using external database such as MySQL, Maria DB, SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL. In case VP Server is configured to run with external database and the connection info need to be changed, i.e. change to a new password due to password policy, user can follow the steps below to alter database connection info for their VP Server.

  1. Shut down VP Server. If your server is installed as system service then you can shut down the server by stopping the service.
  2. Go to VPServer\webserver\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF folder of the server.
  3. Edit the to change the connection info, including server host, port, database name and user name.
  4. For changing the password please add a line password=%plain_text_password% to the file.
  5. Save the change and start the server.

After that the server will run with the new database connection info. In case you are changing the db user password then the encrypted_password in property file will automatically update according to your newly defined plain text password. You can then shutdown the server again to remove your plain text password from the file.


The storage of VP Server is split into database and file system and the database and file data are work hand-in-hand. User should not changing VP Server to connect to a different database. The procedures above is only for the situation that user need to change the connection details for connect to the same database where VP Server is configured for.

This procedure is only for VP Server configured to run with external database. Not applicable to VP Server with embedded database.

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