Entries by Visual Paradigm Team

Import diagrams from draw.io to VP Online

Visual Paradigm Online (VP Online) is a unified online platform contain numbers of power tool, include modeling of customer journey, perform agile development with Scrum process, management your development process with the built-in task management platform, and drawing various kind of diagrams (UML, BPMN, ArchiMate, ERD, AWS, Azure, etc…) to model your system. VP Online […]

Generate Document for each Business Process Diagram in Project using Open API

Doc. Composer is a build-in document builder in Visual Paradigm which allows user create professional looks document with fully customizable XML templates. With the Build from Scratch mode user can create customized XML template and drag & drop it into document editor for rendering documents. This process can be automated using Open API. In this […]

Sharing VP Online web diagrams with your teammates

VP Online is pure web based platform allow you to do modeling with different diagrams, and perform software development activities such as capturing requirements, model customer’s experience with customer journey map, develop and prioritize development schedule with Agile scrum process, and management the progress of your project with the task management tool. All just using […]

Output All Glossary Terms and Alias to Document

Visual Paradigm support using glossary to define the meaning of vocabulary in the software project. For terms representing same meaning could be defined as alias for linking up the concept. When modeling the element which matched with glossary and its alias will automatically highlighted in diagram. The glossary and alias can also being output to […]

How to create delegation connector between interface and port in Component Diagram

In UML Component Diagram the linkage between external contact of a component and the realization of that behavior can be linked with the delegation connector. It represent to forward the event from the external contact to target via the specified port. In Visual Paradigm you can create delegation connector between interface (the behavior) and port […]