Why there are “a” and “M” icon showing in my shapes?
Sometimes you may notices that the elements on diagram having a small “a” and “M” icon showing on its top left corner. What does this mean?
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Sometimes you may notices that the elements on diagram having a small “a” and “M” icon showing on its top left corner. What does this mean?
Visual Paradigm’s Open API not just provides a way to extend the functionality of Visual Paradigm, but also offer you a door to integrate Visual Paradigm with 3rd party software. The integration is not necessary to single direction, from model to 3rd party software, but also from your 3rd party software to models in your […]
Date is a very important property in model since it recorded the timestamp when a diagram or model element was being created or modified. In Visual Paradigm all diagrams and most of the model elements are having date property for storing its creation date time, as well as the last modified date time. In this […]
Method overriding is a very common technique in object-oriented programming. It allows developer deliver specific implementation of a method in the subclass although it already defined by the superclass. When overriding a method the subclass replace the implementation in superclass by providing a method which exactly same as the one in superclass, i.e same name, […]
The Parametric Diagram in SysML is a restricted form of the Internal Block Diagram. It shows the mathematical relationships between its modeled elements. Wish Parametric Diagram you can precisely define the details of a constraint in your system. The Parametric Diagram cannot live on its own, it must be relay on a SysML block, typically […]
The Doc. Composer allows you to create document for your model in a fully customized way. You can customize the layout of your document by simply modifying the XML templates and specify what’s inside your document by drag & drop the templates into it, just like creating a diagram. But the drag & drop is a manual […]
Visual Paradigm’s Open API allow user to access the model data in your project in programmatic way by creating plugin. With Open API you can create new diagram or model elements to your project, also retrieve the diagram or model elements form your project and manipulate it. When dealing with model element there are 2 […]
Overloading methods is a very important technique in object-oriented modeling. It offer the ability to create multiple operations of same name with different implementations. In Visual Paradigm you can overload the operations simply from its specification dialog. To overload the operation:
Visual Paradigm’s Open API allow user to access the model data in your project in programmatic way by creating plugin. With Open API you can create new diagram or model elements to your project, also retrieve the diagram or model elements form your project and manipulate it.
Visual Paradigm license subscription service allow user to rent and use Visual Paradigm software on monthly basis. By default the subscription license will be extended automatically with recurring payment, but for those not with recurring payment user will have to extend it manually to keep the subscription alive, or instate his expired subscription. In this […]