Comparison of Query Performance when Working with ORM

Using Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) approach is very popular in developing modern database applications. ORM allows you to handle relational data in a pure object-oriented approach, which is more natural to developers and also the modern programming language they are using (i.e. Java, .NET).

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Using GUID Column in ERD

GUID (Global Unique Identifier) is a special type of identifier in Microsoft SQL Server, which commonly use for generate unique value for key columns. You can specify column as GUID through the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). The steps for specify GUID column is quite simple:

  1. Specify MS SQL Server as default database server of the project
  2. Specify the datatype of primary key column as uniqueidentifier
  3. Change the ID Generator of the primary key column as GUID

The following flash movie demonstrate how to specify the primary key column as GUID.

Tips for Working with Large Projects

When working with a large, enterprise scale model that involves many diagrams and model element, we may find experience slowness in application, uneasy to model effectively in large diagram and difficult to locate model element. In this article, we will introduce some tips to help improve application performance, reduce time in modeling and diagramming, and to find elements easier.

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Transition and Navigation with Model Transitor

A cycle in software development or process improvement is often formed by many distinct phases. For example, one may hold a meeting with end user to collect the requirements. Next, s/he thinks of the room for improvement and then documents the new idea. Furthermore, s/he discusses with the user again and finally puts the idea into practice by providing a solution.

Throughout a cycle, visual modeling helps to express an idea and formalize changes. Different types of diagrams can be applied in accord with various situations. For example, business process diagram can be used to model the current process of an organization, and the improved one. Use case diagram can be used to model the features of a system at high level. Requirement diagram can be used to model user’s specific requirement. When a cycle evolves, the models will get evolved too. Take a look at the image below. The as-is process diagram is evolved into a to-be process diagram that illustrates the process to be applied in future, and the tasks in to-be process diagram are evolved into a use case in a use case diagram for modeling system level user goal. We can imagine when the model evolves in further, the use case can be transited into a set of requirement.

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The Usage of BPMN Gateways

Gateways is a BPMN notation used to control how a process flows. Connected by sequence flows, a gateway acts as a decision point that decides which (outgoing) sequence flow to take based on the result of the evaluation of condition(s) specified. According to the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)’s definition, only sequence flow will affect the flow of activities while message flow does not. If you want to know message flow usage, please see How does BPMN message flow work? article. In this article, we will show you the different types of gateways and their behavior using the BPMN modeler featured by Visual Paradigm.

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Overview of Team Collaboration Support

Team collaboration development on CVS, SVN, Perforce and ClearCase had been discontinued starting from Visual Paradigm version 13.0

Visual Paradigm supports collaborative and concurrent modeling, and versioning of works in the following ways:

In this page, we will have an overview on how administrator and team members can work together with Visual Paradigm’s team collaborative features, and to clarify some of the major concepts in collaborative modeling.

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How does BPMN message flow work?

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) message flow is used to visualize communications between organization. This article is going to show how to use message flow. There are two flash animation examples to show how message flow works in action.

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Welcome to Visual Paradigm Know-how

UML, business process modeling, software development and project management technique sharing website. Visual Paradigm Know-how is a website for Visual Paradigm development team share knowledge and technique of Visual Paradigm product.