Organize Data Models under Use Cases
In helping you organize your modeling project, use cases can act as generic containers for all software development artifacts. Development teams can group and locate design artifacts by navigating use cases.
In this tutorial we are going to show you how to create a new data model (i.e. entity relationship diagram) and associate that with a use case. And in future, you can easily identify existing associations as such by use cases and conveniently, be taken to the related diagrams right on the spot in just a few clicks.
Show Details of Model Elements in Tabular Form
When the default attributes do not suffice to describe your model elements, you can add your own custom ones by using tagged values. These custom attributes can be added to model elements in various diagrams, such as an actor in use case diagram.
So if you are looking at model elements in a diagram, just how do you show their tagged values? This tutorial will show you how.
As an example, we will walk you through how to show tagged values associated with devices in an ArchiMate diagram.
How to Synchronize Requirements to A³ Platform
A3 Platform had been discontinued. |
Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) is designed to help you focus on your modeling work. So it purposely doesn’t overwhelm you with any information unnecessary in an immediate sense. To help you project manage your software development life cycle (SDLC), Visual Paradigm offers another product called A³ Platform to do just that.
One of the nice things about A³ Platform is that it can actually talk to VP-UML to get software design requirements and feed them to A³ Platform for setting project milestones automatically.
In this tutorial we will show you how to sync requirements from VP-UML to A³ Platform.
How to Define Stereotype and Tagged Values using API
Stereotype is one of the extension mechanisms in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). By defining stereotype, you can extend new notations by deriving from an existing one. You can define new properties to your derived notations using tagged values. In Visual Paradigm, it is not necessary to stereotypes and tagged values using application’s user interface. You can also do this using Open API. This article will show you how to create stereotype and tagged values using Open API. Read more
How to Model Gates in UML Sequence Diagrams
To pass a message between two sequence diagrams in UML modeling, we can make use of gates. Through modeling gates, we could relate the message outside an interaction fragment with message inside another interaction fragment.
Graphically a gate, with an arrowed line, connects to the sequence diagram’s frame edge with one end and the other end connected to a lifeline.
In this tutorial we will show you how to model gates in sequence diagrams using Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML).
Personalize Database Connection Settings to Aid in Team Development
When a development team is developing a system that requires accessing a database, it is a common practice to setup local databases on each of the development environment and populate them with all the required schema of the system so that developers can develop and test the function they implement with test data in their own database, rather than working with actual data with production database.
How to Model Permissions on Use Case for Actors
In use case diagram, associations between actors and use cases are explicitly shown. We can see it clearly when an actor carries out a use case (or goal) from a line drawn between them. However, what if an actor does not carry out a use case but do refer to the output from it? How do we model that?
How to Import Microsoft Visio Stencils
When drawing UML diagrams (e.g. use case diagram), sometimes you might find yourself in a place where you could use other non-UML shapes, in order to explain the concept better. That’s why we made a collection of predefined stencils available for you. You can even import stencils from Microsoft Visio.
This tutorial will show you (1) how to use predefined stencils that come with VP-UML and (2) import stencils from Visio to VP-UML.
Create and Access Logical View via API
Open API not only allows you access the model data within the project, but also create and access the Logical View in your project. This article will show you how to create Logical View using Open API. Read more