Specify Max. Value in Radar Chart

Visual Paradigm Online support visualize spread data into various charts. In this article we will show you how to define maximum value for each discipline in your radar chart.

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Unable to edit Customer Journey Map in language other than English

Error was show when trying to enter non-English text to Customer Journey Map (CJM), no matter within Visual Paradigm Desktop application or Teamwork Server’s web interface.

Fail to edit Customer Journey Map (CJM)

Fail to edit Customer Journey Map (CJM)

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Cannot access Google Drive to load or save your VP Online Diagrams

When trying to access Google Drive to load/save my diagrams in VP Online Diagrams it get stuck on authorization stage…

Authorization with Google Drive was getting stuck

Authorization with Google Drive was getting stuck

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Import Visio Stencils to VP Online Diagram to become custom palette

Visual Paradigm Online Diagram (VP Online Diagram) is a powerful tool allow users team collaborate together to create different diagrams online using web browser. VP Online Diagram provide wide range of resources for user to create diagrams. Beside the bundled resources user can also import Visio Stencils to become their own custom palette. In this article we will show you how to import Visio Stencils to create diagram palette. To create your own palette:

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Import image files to VP Online Diagram to become custom palette

Visual Paradigm Online Diagram (VP Online Diagram) is a powerful tool allow users team collaborate together to create different diagrams online using web browser. VP Online Diagram provide wide range of resources for user to create diagrams. Beside the bundled resources user can also import image files to become their own custom palette. In this article we will show you how to import image files to create diagram palette. To create your own palette:

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Project Stereotypes being mess up by team!

There are lots of similar stereotypes being created in our team collaboration project. How can we avoid this problem? In Visual Paradigm you can grant edit stereotype permission to specific user/group, or allow particular user/group to edit the stereotype just on specified projects. In this article we will teach you how to configure your repository to achieve this.

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Trying to import project to repository but being complain project already exist

When import a project from VP Desktop client to repository (VP Online or on-premises Teamwork Server) it complains the project already exist, even the same named project already being deleted in repository…

Same named project already deleted in repository but still cannot re-create it

Same named project already deleted in repository but still cannot re-create it

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Present data in your model using image

Visual Paradigm’s Doc. Composer allow user output their models into HTML, PDF and MS Word documents. By create custom templates user can even control what data to be shown, and how it should be formatted. In this article we will demonstrate how to generate document by use image to present the values in your models.

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Create read-only user to your VP Online workspace (VP Desktop User)

Visual Paradigm Project Viewer (VP Viewer) is a free application which allow user to browse the content of your projects without the need of purchase any license key. For large organization you can setup viewer users in your repository so that they can browser your projects without afraid that they will get modified. In this article we will show you how to create viewer users in your VP Online workspace and how the viewer users can access to your projects.

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Create read-only user to your on-premises repository

Visual Paradigm Project Viewer (VP Viewer) is a free application which allow user to browse the content of your projects without the need of purchase any license key. For large organization you can setup viewer users in your repository so that they can browser your projects without afraid that they will get modified. In this article we will show you how to create viewer users in your on-premises Teamwork Server and how the viewer users can access to your repository.

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