Create read-only user to your on-premises repository

Visual Paradigm Project Viewer (VP Viewer) is a free application which allow user to browse the content of your projects without the need of purchase any license key. For large organization you can setup viewer users in your repository so that they can browser your projects without afraid that they will get modified. In this article we will show you how to create viewer users in your on-premises Teamwork Server and how the viewer users can access to your repository.

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How to Create BPMN Message Flow with an Attached Message

Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) use message flow to present communications between participants. The message flow in diagram can be extended to show the passing of the actual message. To show the message on message flow:

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Using Reference Path for JDBC Driver in Database Connection

Visual Paradigm support connect to various database server to perform database engineering, including forward and reverse engineering between database and entity relationship diagram (ERD). During the process user will need to connect Visual Paradigm with their database via JDBC connection. A JDBC driver file will involve in the database connection setting. For team environment you can configure the database connection using a reference file path to load the JDBC driver from developer’s environment. In this article we will teach you how to make use of reference file path to specify JDBC driver location when establish database connection.

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UX0025 – Fail to open Process Map, Story Map or Customer Journey Map

This error means the VP Desktop Client fail to load the module for opening Process Map, Story Map, or Customer Journey Map, etc..

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How to configure VP Server’s Content Repository accept HTTPS connection

Starting from v16.0 the on-premises VP Server comes with a new module called Content Repository, which is responsible to support the new VP Form features. By default the Content Repository is configured for HTTP connection only. To make the Content Repository works with HTTPS connection you will need to adjust the configuration in the following way:

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How to install node runtime on VP Server

Starting from version 16.1 the VP Server require a new node module in order perform certain services. By default VP Server will automatically download and install this module for user. But in case user’ VP Server cannot access Internet then the auto setup procedure will not work and in this case user can follow the steps below to manual install this module to their VP Server.

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How to clear System Proxy Setting

Visual Paradigm may store two set of proxy information for user, one is specified by user under Application Options, and the other is specified by administrator during silent/bulk installation (as the default proxy). For Application Options proxy user can modify or remove it simply within the Application Options dialog. But for proxy specified by administrator they are stored in system registry where end user will not able to remove it. To remove the proxy specified by administrator:

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Unable to connect to Visual Paradigm’s Server over Internet

There are several services in Visual Paradigm Desktop client require to connect to Visual Paradigm’s server on Internet, including

Some users may experience problem that their VP Desktop client unable to connect to Visual Paradigm’s server even they do have Internet access. If you see the SSL handshape exception in your Visual Paradigm desktop client’s log file then the problem very likely to be caused by there is a proxy (could be a transparent one) in your network blocking the resolve of SSL certificate thus lead to fail to connect to our server. To solve this problem:

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