Use Access Code to Protect your Floating License from Unauthorized Access

With Visual Paradigm’s floating license you can define the access code to control the access of the license. The access code basically is a password and it server for 2 main purpose. First, it helps to prevents unauthorized access to your license key and only when user have the right access code can use it, which increased the level of security. Second is to divide your floating licenses into groups. Think about if group A and B both acquire licenses from the same VP Server, group A may use up all the keys, leaving no available license for group B, when there is no control. Access code solves this problem by enforcing the need of supplying a valid password when trying to acquiring license from server by client.

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How to Use Floating License Key in Offline Mode

The floating license allows you to share your Visual Paradigm license key between your team. While using floating license the software need to keep online and connect to license server for validation. In some situation, such as working in customer’s site or during travel, you may not able to get access to your license server. In this case you can export the floating license key form your server and use the software offline. In this article we will show you how to export the floating license key form your license server, and how to return it back after using.
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How to run VP Server with SSL certificate

VP Server is a critical component for a team since it serve as both Teamwork Server (on-premises setup of VPository) for team collaboration development, as well as the License Server for floating license environment. Thanks for that VP Server was using a standard Apache Tomcat webserver as its base, you can easily protect the communications with VP Server by configure it to run with your own SSL certificate.

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How to migrate Teamwork Server from Built-in Authentication to Active Directory Authentication

Active Directory is a directory service implemented by Microsoft. It enhanced the security of your network by providing centralized user account and security policy management. Besides, it also provides authentication and authorization mechanisms for various services which compliant to it. You can configure your Teamwork Server to work with your Active Directory for user access and authentication control. In this article we will teach you how to migrate your existing Teamwork Server from using the build-in authentication to Active Directory authentication. Read more

Solving SQL Server Connection Problem

SQL ServerUpon database modeling with Visual Paradigm, you always need to connect to the database server to perform generation of your database and reverse engineering of your ER model. However, you may encounter problem in connecting to the Microsoft SQL Server, which is a great obstruction to your modeling. In this article, we will provide ways to help you to check whether your configurations for connecting to SQL Server are correct.
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How to Reset Admin Password for VP Server

In the event that the admin password for your existing VP Server is lost and cannot be retrieved, there is a way to reset it. This tutorial will show you how.

For VP Server older than version 5.3, please refer here.

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How to Adjust Default PermGen Memory Setting for VP Server 12.1

VP Server is a server application which included the Teamwork Server, Floating License Server, Update Server, as well as the PostMania service. It is a core module supporting various activities of your team, such as teamwork operations*, access of floating license#, software update as well as online review and comment your system and business design^. The default memory setting in VP Server capable to handle tasks for most of the teams. But in extreme situation you may need to adjust the PermGen memory setup to let the server running smooth and accomplish your challenging tasks. In this article we will show you how to adjust the PermGen memory setting of your VP Server 12.1 (or older version). Read more

How to Adjust the Reserved Memory Level for VP Server on Windows System Service

VP Server is a server application supporting various activities for your development work, including the teamwork operation*, access of floating license#, software update as well as online review and comment your system and business design^. The default memory configuration in VP Server is targeted to handle all these tasks. You can alter this configuration to fit the needs for your team. For example, teams with lower requirements can free up resources for other applications by down tune the reserved memory level for VP Server. Teams with high performance needs can tune up the reserved memory level to ensure the server having sufficient resources. In this article you will learn how to adjust the reserved memory level for VP Server system service on Microsoft Windows. Read more

How to upgrade VP Server on stock Tomcat

tomcat-thumbVP Server is an integrated server providing the facilities including Teamwork operation support, Hosting of floating license as well as Centralized update server. The default VP Server package bundled with a web server where you can bring it up by simply download, unpack and run. The default package also allow user to have a seamless server upgrade, by simply upload a webapp package to server and let the server do the rest. In some situation user would prefer to run VP Server on his own Java application server, i.e. already have a Tomcat for other services in the company. With this setup the procedures for upgrade VP Server will be a bit difference. This article will teach you the procedures to update your VP Server which is being deployed to a stock Tomcat. Read more

How to Reset Teamwork Server/ License Server Admin Password [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated and is only for VP Server prior to version 5.3. For version 5.3 or newer user please refer to How to Reset Admin Password for VP Server for details about how to reset the Admin password of the server.

In case you forget your administrator’s password, Teamwork Server/ License Server enables users to reset their password. This article will teach you how reset your administrator’s password in file.

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