Cannot backup VP Server after upgrade to new version

After upgrade VP Server to new version then the backup script become fail to work with following (or similar) error.

[message] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
[message] at<clinit>(:15)
[message] at<init>(:783)
[message] at v.bsr.bk.<init>(:253)
[message] at v.bsr.bk.a(:94)
[message] at
[message] at
[message] at v.ayi.e.c(:267)
[message] at v.ayi.e.a(:99)
[message] at migration.ExportVPServerMain.<init>(:266)
[message] at migration.ExportVPServerMain.main(:24)
[message] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
[message] at
[message] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[message] at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
[message] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[message] ... 10 more

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Unable to upgrade VP Server to version 13.0 (or newer)

Some users may experience problem that VP Server fail to run after upgrade to version 13.0, or server remain in its current version after upgrade. This problem is caused by the VP Server is still running with the old JRE1.6. For deliver better features some libraries used by VP Server was being upgraded. Unfortunately they are not compatible with the old JRE 1.6. For users experienced problem on upgrade server can take the following steps to upgrade your server to version 13.0: Read more

How to change the user account for VP Server database

VP Server using database plus file system to store its configuration data and model information (for Teamwork Server user). VP Server can be configure to run with embedded database, or using external database such as MySQL, Maria DB, SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL. In case VP Server is configured to run with external database and the connection info need to be changed, i.e. change to a new password due to password policy, user can follow the steps below to alter database connection info for their VP Server. Read more

How to rename VP Server Database

VP Server is a central repository for provide various service to user performing team collaboration development. VP Server using a database plus file system to store its data. The following article explains how user can rename the VP Server database if their VP Server is configured to run with external database (SQL Server, Maria DB, SQL Server and PostgreSQL).

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Setting up Floating License and License server

coverFloating license enables users to share the Visual Paradigm concurrently based on the limit of concurrent access specified on the floating license. In order to access the floating license, you need to install the VP  Server and enable its Floating License Server Module in your Local Area Network in advance. This article will demonstrate how to download, install and configure VP Server and enable the Floating License Server module.


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Setup VP Server with SQL Server

tomcat-thumbVP Server is a server application which included the Teamwork Server, Floating License Server and Update Server. Instead of setup these server applications one by one; they can be setup via the single VP Server package. VP Server using database for storing the settings and configurations, such as teamwork user account, history for check-in & check-out of project files, floating license status, etc. You can setup VP Server with an embedded database, or using some popular DBMS such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL. This article will teach you how to setup a Microsoft SQL Server database for the VP Server. We will use the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express Edition to demonstrate how it works. Read more

How to setup VP Server on 32 bit system

tomcat-thumbVP Server is a server application which included the Teamwork Server, Floating License Server and Update Server. As 64 bit system already become the majority player, starting from version 13.0 VP Server no longer offer 32 bit installation package. But even the 32 bit installation package was no longer offered, you can still setup VP Server on a 32 bit environment. This article will teach you how to setup a VP Server on a 32 bit system. Read more

How to update VP Server (prior to 14.0)

For version 14.0 or above please reference to How to update VP Server for update instructions.

tomcat-thumbVP Server is an integrated server providing the facilities including Teamwork operation support, Hosting of floating license and Centralized update server. Upgrade VP Server to new build, or even new version is extremely easy and can be done in few clicks. This article will teach you how to update your VP Server using the build-in update feature.


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How to update VP Server

tomcat-thumbVP Server is an integrated server providing the facilities including Teamwork operation support, Hosting of floating license and Centralized update server. Upgrade VP Server to new build, or even new version is extremely easy and can be done in few clicks. This article will teach you how to update your VP Server using the build-in update feature.


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