How to rename VP Server Database

VP Server is a central repository for provide various service to user performing team collaboration development. VP Server using a database plus file system to store its data. The following article explains how user can rename the VP Server database if their VP Server is configured to run with external database (SQL Server, Maria DB, SQL Server and PostgreSQL).

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Create ArchiMate diagram Using Open API

ArchiMate is a modelling technique for describing enterprise architectures. This article will show you how to create an ArchiMate diagram using Open API.

The ArchiMate diagram will be created by the plugin

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Unable to install Visual Paradigm on Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave

Some user got the complaint from their Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave that the Visual Paradigm installation file they just downloaded was being damaged.

Error on install Visual Paradigm on OS X 10.14

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Create Composite Structure Diagram Using Open API

A composite structure diagram is a member of the UML family, which shows the internal structure of a structured classifier or collaboration. This article will show you how to create a composite structure diagram using Open API.

The composite structure diagram will be created by the plugin

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Create a Sequence Diagram Using Open API

Sequence diagram is a member of the UML diagram family, which is mainly used to show the interactions between object through time using a various lifelines. In this article, you will be shown how to create a sequence diagram from scratch using Open API.

The sequence diagram will be created by the plugin.

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Create a Cause and Effect Diagram Using Open API

Cause and Effect diagram, also known as Fishbone Diagram, is useful for recording potential factors that may cause a problem or effect. This article will show you how to create a cause and effect diagram using Open API.

The cause and effect diagram will be created by the diagram.

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Create a Breakdown Structure Diagram Using Open API

Breakdown structures are commonly used in project management when there are needs in visualizing parent-to-child relationship. This article will show you how to create a breakdown structure diagram using Open API.

The breakdown structure diagram will be created by the plugin.

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Create an Implementation Plan Diagram Using Open API

Implementation Plan is a project management tool that shows how a software project will evolve at a high level. This article will show you how to create an Implementation Plan Diagram using Open API.

The Implementation Plan Diagram will be created by the plugin.

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Debug your plugins with IntelliJ IDEA

tomcat-thumbVisual Paradigm Open API provides an interface for developers to develop plugins and extend the functionalities of Visual Paradigm. During development of the plugin constant modifications will be done to fine tune your plugin. Instead of deploy the plugin to VP every time after you made changes, you can directly launch VP with your plugin from IntelliJ IDEA to perform debugging. This article teaches how to configure IntelliJ IDEA to perform debugging on your plugins.

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Create a PERT Diagram Using Open API

Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) is a technique to schedule, organize and coordinate tasks of a project. This article will demonstrate how to create a PERT Chart using Open API.

The PERT Chart will be created by the plugin

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