How to run VP Server with SSL certificate

VP Server is a critical component for a team since it serve as both Teamwork Server (on-premises setup of VPository) for team collaboration development, as well as the License Server for floating license environment. Thanks for that VP Server was using a standard Apache Tomcat webserver as its base, you can easily protect the communications with VP Server by configure it to run with your own SSL certificate.

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Understand the Change Request Process

Visual Paradigm version 17.2 introduced a change request approval process for users to make change to their models in a more systematic and governed manner. In this article you will learn how this process works. Read more

Setup Team Collaboration Environment using VP Online

For Visual Paradigm Desktop user they can sign up VP Online and use it as their team collaboration repository. As long as your repository do not exceed 1GB size then this service will be free of charge. This article provide step-by-step instruction to VP Desktop user about how to sign-up their VP Online workspace and perform team collaboration on it.

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Unable to import project to Teamwork Server / VP Online

When trying to import your existing project to Teamwork Server / VP Online receive the following error.

Error when try to import project to repository

Error when try to import project to repository

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Project Stereotypes being mess up by team!

There are lots of similar stereotypes being created in our team collaboration project. How can we avoid this problem? In Visual Paradigm you can grant edit stereotype permission to specific user/group, or allow particular user/group to edit the stereotype just on specified projects. In this article we will teach you how to configure your repository to achieve this.

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Trying to import project to repository but being complain project already exist

When import a project from VP Desktop client to repository (VP Online or on-premises Teamwork Server) it complains the project already exist, even the same named project already being deleted in repository…

Same named project already deleted in repository but still cannot re-create it

Same named project already deleted in repository but still cannot re-create it

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Create read-only user to your on-premises repository

Visual Paradigm Project Viewer (VP Viewer) is a free application which allow user to browse the content of your projects without the need of purchase any license key. For large organization you can setup viewer users in your repository so that they can browser your projects without afraid that they will get modified. In this article we will show you how to create viewer users in your on-premises Teamwork Server and how the viewer users can access to your repository.

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Get notify when changes made to your project

It is difficult to monitor every changes in your model when working in large team and with multiple projects running in parallel. In VPository or On-premises Teamwork Server you can add user as Watcher of the project. By adding user to Watchers list he will get notified by email when the project being modified. To add user to become Watcher of the project: Read more

How to upgrade your VP Online (VPository) to new version

tomcat-thumbVP Online (formerly called VPository) is a cloud-based collaboration platform provided by Visual Paradigm. VP Online allow software teams to store and share Visual Paradigm projects with team members, as well as provide web based edition facilities for some diagrams. Software teams who subscribed to VP Online are granted a company-wide domain where project can be stored. When you upgrade your Visual Paradigm client to new version, your VP Online needs to follow. But don’t worry, you don’t need to get your hands dirty for the upgrade as Visual Paradigm Support Team do it for you. All you need to do is send us the request. In this article we will show you how to request for upgrade for your VP Online. Read more

Invite user to join your VP Online workspace

This article provide a step-by-step guide about how to invite member to join your VP Online workspace to perform team collaboration development.

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