Import diagrams from to VP Online

Visual Paradigm Online (VP Online) is a unified online platform contain numbers of power tool, include modeling of customer journey, perform agile development with Scrum process, management your development process with the built-in task management platform, and drawing various kind of diagrams (UML, BPMN, ArchiMate, ERD, AWS, Azure, etc…) to model your system. VP Online support import drawing from external tools such as To import drawings from Read more

Why UeXceler complain free trial expired even I’m having a purchased license?

The VPository complains I’m running an expired evaluation license when trying to login via web browser, but actually I’m running a licensed version…

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How to upgrade your Visual Paradigm Desktop client (perpetual license) to higher edition

You may be using the Modeler Edition of Visual Paradigm and want to upgrade to higher edition for more features. In this article, we will provide you with all the information about upgrading, from pricing to procedure. Read more

Cannot launch Visual Paradigm in Visual Studio even after perform integration

When launching Visual Paradigm form Visual Studio the following error pops out and blocking Visual Paradigm to start.

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How to backup local personal repository

The local personalized repository allow you to run the VPository features on pure local and personalized environment without access to VPository cloud over Internet. When upgrade Visual Paradigm to new version the local repository will automatic upgrade to compatible version. The upgrade process is irreversible. In case if you rollback the upgrade of Visual Paradigm client it will not able to work with your local repository again as it already being upgraded. In this article we will show you what files need to backup for your local repository and how to restore them to previous version in case you rollback the upgrade of your Visual Paradigm client. Read more

Revoke Floating License from User

Visual Paradigm Floating License allow the licenses being share across users. With floating license user can acquire license from license server to run the software. When finish using the software the license will return to server and release to pool for other users. In some case users may occupied the license but not really using it, this causing your team run out of licenses. In this article we will show you how to revoke the floating license which is acquired by user. Read more

Update Visual Paradigm to Latest Patch

Upon receiving a problem report or request of enhancement, we do our best to make the necessary changes. You will then be suggested to update your Visual Paradigm installation to the patch release, in which the fix or enhancement has been made.

In this article, you will see the update instructions. Before you proceed, please note that a patch release is made to cater specific users for a specific fix/change. You should update to patch ONLY if you are suggested by Visual Paradigm. We do not recommend users to treat patch update as a daily routine. Read more

How to Delete Project from Local Repository

Visual Paradigm support version control on models using VPository cloud service, or on-premises Teamwork Server. But in case user do not require team collaboration development support and do not have access to Internet, then he can use the embedded server to version his project. Same as the free VPository subscription user can have 1GB local space on embedded server for version support to their projects. In case space the local repository run out of space user can delete the projects to reclaim the space. To delete the project in local repository: Read more

Setting up Floating License and License server

coverFloating license enables users to share the Visual Paradigm concurrently based on the limit of concurrent access specified on the floating license. In order to access the floating license, you need to install the VP  Server and enable its Floating License Server Module in your Local Area Network in advance. This article will demonstrate how to download, install and configure VP Server and enable the Floating License Server module.


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