How to Use Floating License Key in Offline Mode

The floating license allows you to share your Visual Paradigm license key between your team. While using floating license the software need to keep online and connect to license server for validation. In some situation, such as working in customer’s site or during travel, you may not able to get access to your license server. In this case you can export the floating license key form your server and use the software offline. In this article we will show you how to export the floating license key form your license server, and how to return it back after using.
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How to reorder diagrams when export to a single PDF file

Visual Paradigm support exporting multiples diagrams into a single PDF file in just few clicks. This allow user easily deliver their diagrams to stakeholders for a quick review. By default the diagrams in exported PDF are ordered according to their type, but user can customize it by using logical view. To do this: Read more

How to change the location of UML models in IDE integration environment

tomcat-thumbVisual Paradigm IDE Integration allows user to run Visual Paradigm embedded in various popular IDEs, including Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio. When running Visual Paradigm embedded in IDE, by default the Visual Paradigm project file will be stored inside the IDE project. To change the location of Visual Paradigm project file associated with your IDE project:


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Visual Paradigm not launching on Mac OS X Sierra

This probably caused by you have downloaded the InstallFree package instead of the software installer. The Visual Paradigm InstallFree package is specific for the compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 or prior release. Please download the DMG package of Visual Paradigm for running on Mac OS X Sierra. To download and install from the DMG package: Read more

How to Find and Remove Unused Models in Your Project

As your project grows, it is inevitable to have more and more orphans model elements left in your project. Such model elements are not visualized in any diagrams and are not useful anymore. This article will show you how to locate those elements so that you can remove them from your project. Read more

How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (Subscription License) and VPository to New Version

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version of Visual Paradigm and VPository (Teamwork Server on the cloud) which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. As a subscription user, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost all the way through your subscription period. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Visual Paradigm in subscription license and your VPository to new version.
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How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (Floating License) and VPository to New Version

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version of Visual Paradigm and VPository (Teamwork Server on the cloud) which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Visual Paradigm in floating license as well as the VPository to new version. Read more

How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (Single Seat License) and VPository to New Version

From time to time, Visual Paradigm releases new version to Visual Paradigm and VPository (Teamwork Server on the cloud) which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Visual Paradigm in single seat license as well as the VPository to new version.
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Binding Delete Key on Mac Keyboard

deletet-keyIn the past, the keyboards on Mac share similar layout as the standard PC keyboard which have both backspace and delete buttons. But since it has changed to a compact keyboard (without number pad), a single delete button is used to serve both delete and backspace functions. Starting from Visual Paradigm version 12.0 (build 20141226bu), new users will automatically have the delete button for deleting objects in their diagrams as well as backspace while editing of the textual content of the model element. For existing users, the delete function is bound with the tradition delete key, which no longer exists on the keyboard. This causes the new delete button (previously was the backspace key) cannot be used to delete objects in diagram. To solve this, user can manually bind the delete functions back to the new delete button. In this article we will show you how it works. Read more

How to Switch between Sleek User Interface and Classic User Interface?

tomcat-thumbIn version 12.0, Visual Paradigm has introduced a new user interface, Sleek User Interface. A suite of new tools have been introduced to improve the modeling efficiency as well as the diagram editing spaces have been increased for users’ convenience to edit their designs. In the following, we will teach you how to switch from Classic User Interface to Sleek User Interface, so that you can enjoy the new features in the new user interface. In case some users would like to switch back to Classic Interface, we will also show you how to switch from Sleek User Interface to Classic User Interface. Read more