Compatibility between VP Desktop and VP Online Diagrams

VP Online (formerly called VPository) is a cloud platform provided by Visual Paradigm. For user with VP Online license they can use web based diagram editor to create various diagrams. For user with VP Desktop license they can use VP Online as their project repository for team collaboration development. When VP Desktop user using VP Online as project repository some of the diagrams will be auto-synchronized between VP Desktop and VP Online, while some of them are accessible only in VP Desktop and will send to VP Online as a revision upon commit his work (change history). VP Desktop user can distinguish the synchronization behavior on the diagrams they working on with the following guides:

  • Diagrams with VP Online logo in its icon, or under green folder in Diagram Navigator tree do support direct sync between VP Client and VP Online, without commit project require, but commit project will take a snap short to those diagrams. User can see and edit those diagrams in both VP Online and VP Client.
  • Diagram under yellow or blue folder in Diagram Navigator, or without VP Online logo are client based diagram. They do not support sync between VP Desktop and VP Client. User can only edit those diagrams in VP Client, and cannot see and edit them in VP Online. On commit project they will send to VP Online and record as new revision, but again cannot see or edit them in VP Online.

    VP Desktop and VP Online diagrams

    VP Desktop and VP Online diagrams

  • For diagrams under yellow or blue folder (or without VP Online logo), only the Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Business Process Diagram, ArchiMate and PERT chart support single direction import form VP Online to VP Desktop, but not support sync back to VP Online. User can go to Team > Import from Web Diagram to import it form VP Online to VP Desktop.

    Some VP Online diagrams can import to VP Desktop

    Some VP Online diagrams can import to VP Desktop

Below is the diagram compatibility table between VP Desktop and VP Online.

Diagram Compatibility between VP Online and VP Client
Use Case Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Class Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Sequence Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Communication Diagram VP Client only
State Machine Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Activity Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Component Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Deployment Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Package Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Object Diagram VP Client only
Composite Structure Diagram VP Client only
Timing Diagram VP Client only
Interaction Overview Diagram VP Client only
Requirement Capturing
Textual Analysis VP Client only
Business Concept Diagram Not compatible
CRC Card Diagram VP Client only
UX Design
Android Tablet Wireframe VP Client only
Android Phone Wireframe VP Client only
Desktop Wireframe VP Client only
iPad Wireframe VP Client only
iPhone Wireframe VP Client only
iOS Wireframe VP Online only
Web Wireframe VP Client only
Material Design Wireframe Auto synchronize
Fluent Design Wireframe Auto synchronize
Altassian Wireframe Auto synchronize
Bootstrap Wireframe Auto synchronize
Mockups Wireframe Auto synchronize
User Flow (Mobile App) VP Online only
User Flow (Website) VP Online only
Site Map Diagram Auto synchronize
Wired UI Diagram Auto synchronize
Problem Solving
Interrelationship Diagram Auto synchronize
Root Cause Analysis Auto synchronize
Driver Diagram Auto synchronize
5 Whys Auto synchronize
5W1H Auto synchronize
How-How Diagram Auto synchronize
Why-Why Diagram Auto synchronize
Current Reality Tree Auto synchronize
Future Reality Tree Auto synchronize
Transition Tree Auto synchronize
Prerequisite Tree Auto synchronize
Evaporating Cloud Auto synchronize
Database Modeling
Entity Relationship Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
ORM Diagram VP Client only
Business Modeling
Business Process Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Conversation Diagram VP Client only
Data Flow Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
EPC Diagram Not compatible
Process Overview Diagram VP Client only
Fact Model VP Client only
Marketing Funnel Auto synchronize
ToFu, MoFu, BoFu Auto synchronize
Decision Table VP Client only
Customer Journey Map Auto synchronize
ITIL Diagram Auto synchronize
Value Stream Mapping Auto synchronize
Dendrogram Auto synchronize
Casual Loop Diagram Auto synchronize
System Context Diagram Auto synchronize
Arrow Diagram Auto synchronize
Problem Flow Diagram Auto synchronize
Information Flow Diagram Auto synchronize
Affinity Diagram Auto synchronize
Enterprise Architecture Diagram Auto synchronize
Lewin’s Change Model Auto synchronize
Empathy Map Auto synchronize
Organizational Diagrams
Family Tree Auto synchronize
Genogram Auto synchronize
Organization Chart Support import from web to VP Client
Kinship Diagram Auto synchronize
Pedigree Chart Auto synchronize
Requirement Diagram Not compatible
Block Definition Diagram Not compatible
Internal Block Diagram Not compatible
Parametric Diagram Not compatible
Enterprise Architecture
Zachman Framework VP Client only
Migration Roadmap VP Client only
Just-in Time Process Map VP Client only
Process Canvas VP Client only
Business Process Reengineering VP Client only
Quality Control Canvas Auto synchronize
Business Motivation Model Diagram VP Client only
ArchiMate Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Project Management
Implementation Plan Diagram VP Client only
Enhanced PERT Chart Support import from web to VP Client
Breakdown Structure Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Cause and Effect Diagram VP Client only
User Story Map Auto synchronize (Read-only for Scrum Process, LeSS and Nexux)
MoSCoW Method Auto synchronize
NASA Project Lifecycle Auto synchronize
Solution Selection Matrix Auto synchronize
ADKAR Auto synchronize
Gantt Chart Auto synchronize
Stakeholder Matrix Auto synchronize
Roadmap Auto synchronize
Service Interface Diagram VP Client only
Service Participant Diagram VP Client only
Service Contract Diagram VP Client only
Service Architecture Diagram VP Client only
Service Categorization Diagram VP Client only
CMMN Diagram VP Client only
Impact Analysis
Matrix Diagram VP Client only
Analysis Diagram VP Client only
Chart Diagram VP Client only
Strategic Analysis
Competitor Analysis Auto synchronize
Strategy Canvas Auto synchronize
SWOT Analysis Auto synchronize
PEST Analysis Auto synchronize
Value Chain Analysis Auto synchronize
Five Forces Analysis Auto synchronize
Four Corners Analysis Auto synchronize
AIDA Auto synchronize
Stock and Flow Diagram Auto synchronize
Vision and Strategy Auto synchronize
Brand Essence Wheel Auto synchronize
BCG Matrix Auto synchronize
Perceptual Map Auto synchronize
GE McKinsey Matrix Auto synchronize
McKinsey 7S Framework Auto synchronize
Ohmae’s 3C Model Auto synchronize
SCAMPER Auto synchronize
Strategy Map Auto synchronize
Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model Auto synchronize
Balanced Scorecard Auto synchronize
SOAR Analysis Auto synchronize
TOWS Analysis Auto synchronize
Topic Map Auto synchronize
Ansoff Matrix Auto synchronize
Process Map
Process Map Auto synchronize
Analysis Canvas
Business Model Canvas Auto synchronize
Analysis Canvas Auto synchronize
KWL Chart Auto synchronize
Software Design
Robustness Diagram Auto synchronize
Enterprise Integration Pattern Auto synchronize
Yourdon and Coad Diagram Auto synchronize
SSADM DFD Auto synchronize
Gane Sarson Diagram Auto synchronize
Yourdon DeMarco DFD Auto synchronize
Decision Analysis
Decision Tree Auto synchronize
Force Field Analysis Auto synchronize
Futures Wheel Auto synchronize
OODA Loop Auto synchronize
Influence Diagram Auto synchronize
Quality Control
PICK Diagram Auto synchronize
TQM Diagram Auto synchronize
Fault Tree Analysis Auto synchronize
Threat Model Diagram Auto synchronize
Basic Flowchart Auto synchronize
Swimlane Diagram Auto synchronize
Cross-functional flowchart Auto synchronize
SDL Diagram Auto synchronize
Audit Flowchart Auto synchronize
Accounting Flowchart Auto synchronize
PDCA Auto synchronize
5S Auto synchronize
6S Auto synchronize
SIPOC Diagram Auto synchronize
Critical to Quality Tree Auto synchronize
Defect Concentration Diagram Auto synchronize
Basic Electrical Diagram Auto synchronize
Logic Diagram Auto synchronize
Circuit Diagram Auto synchronize
Wiring Diagram Auto synchronize
Process Flow Diagram Auto synchronize
Circular Flow Diagram Auto synchronize
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Auto synchronize
Block Flow Diagram Auto synchronize
Cloud Architecture
AWS Auto synchronize
Google Cloud Auto synchronize
Azure Auto synchronize
Alibaba Cloud Auto synchronize
Hauwei Cloud Auto synchronize
Tencent Cloud Auto synchronize
Oracle Cloud Auto synchronize
IBM Cloud Auto synchronize
Data Visualization
Column Chart Auto synchronize
Line Chart Auto synchronize
Pie Chart Auto synchronize
Doughnut Chart Auto synchronize
Radar Chart Auto synchronize
Bar Chart Auto synchronize
Area Chart Auto synchronize
Scatter Chart Auto synchronize
Bubble Chart Auto synchronize
Pictorial Chart Auto synchronize
Pyramid Chart Auto synchronize
Funnel Chart Auto synchronize
Gauge Chart Auto synchronize
Radial Chart Auto synchronize
Rose Chart Auto synchronize
Heatmap Chart Auto synchronize
Treemap Chart Auto synchronize
Histogram Auto synchronize
Control Chart Auto synchronize
Pareto Chart Auto synchronize
Network Design
Network Diagram Auto synchronize
Rack Diagram Auto synchronize
Infographic Design
Infographic Maker Auto synchronize
Brainstorm VP Client only
Mind Mapping Diagram Support import from web to VP Client
Bubble Diagram Auto synchronize
Cluster Diagram Auto synchronize
Circle Map Auto synchronize
Bridge Map Auto synchronize
Concept Map Diagram Auto synchronize
Round-Robin Brainstorming Auto synchronize
Brainwriting Auto synchronize
Lotus Diagram Auto synchronize
Star Diagram Auto synchronize
Starbursting Auto synchronize
Disney’s Creativity Strategy Auto synchronize
Flow Map Auto synchronize
Diamond Ranking Auto synchronize
PMI Chart Auto synchronize
Concept Fan Auto synchronize
Topic Map Auto synchronize
Reverse Brainstorming Auto synchronize
Stepladder Technique Auto synchronize
COCD Box Auto synchronize
T Chart Auto synchronize
X Chart Auto synchronize
Y Chart Auto synchronize
Floor Plan
Floor Plan Auto synchronize
General Diagrams
Profile Diagram VP Client only
ETL Table VP Client only
Data Table VP Client only
Overview Diagram VP Client only
User Interface VP Client only
Gird VP Client only
Wireflow Diagram VP Client only
Form Auto synchronize
Tabular Auto synchronize
Timeline Diagram Auto synchronize
Block Diagram Auto synchronize
Venn Diagram Auto synchronize
Dichotomous Key Auto synchronize
Reframing Matrix Auto synchronize
Eisenhower Matrix Auto synchronize
Dichotomous Key Auto synchronize
Euler Diagram Auto synchronize

Last update: Jun 7, 2024

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