Where are the element templates in VP 12.1?
“Where are the element templates gone?”, is a question being asked frequently by users who have recently upgraded to Visual Paradigm 12.1, and discovered that the XML template files to use in developing document are no longer exist. So where are the element templates gone?
Why Aren’t There Any Operations to Choose from in Reverse Engineering of Sequence Diagram?
What you need to do to reverse engineer UML sequence diagram from Java code is to select the source folder first, and then pick-up an operation from the identified classes. Visual Paradigm will form a sequence diagram by analyzing the operation you selected. A frequently asked question about this process is “Why aren’t there any operations?” We are going to answer you why in this article.
Renew Product Subscription for Academic Partners
Visual Paradigm Academic Partner Program is established for tertiary education institutions to adopt object-oriented technology. Educational institutions taking part in Academic Partner Program will be entitled to software license of Visual Paradigm, providing that the software is solely used for educational purposes. Academic partners can renew the partnership annually for an extended use of Visual Paradigm. This article introduces how to renew the subscription.
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How to Print Matrix Diagram
The Matrix Diagram in Visual Paradigm provides a macro view to show the relationships between model elements. This is not limited to model elements having the physical relationship connectors, but also for some more abstract relationships, such as containment, model transitions and even references. Read more
How to Report Bug for Visual Paradigm
When you are using Visual Paradigm, and find a problem, feel free to contact Visual Paradigm to seek for assistance. Remember, the more information you give us, the easier and faster for us to identify the problem, fix the problem and provide a proper solution. In most cases, the log file, project file, steps, screenshot and product information are essential for us to identify problem.
How to Upgrade Visual Paradigm (With Floating License) and Teamwork Server to New Version
From time to time, Visual Paradigm releases new version of Visual Paradigm and Teamwork Server which covers bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered with maintenance contract. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Visual Paradigm in floating license as well as the Teamwork Server to new version. Read more
How to Upgrade Visual Paradigm (With Single Seat License) and Teamwork Server to New Version
From time to time, Visual Paradigm releases new version of Visual Paradigm and Teamwork Server which covers bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered with maintenance contract. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Visual Paradigm in single seat license as well as the Teamwork Server to new version. Read more
How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Subscription License) to New Version
From time to time, Visual Paradigm releases new version which covers bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered with maintenance contract. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Visual Paradigm in subscription license to new version.
How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (With Floating License) to New Version
From time to time, Visual Paradigm releases new version which covers bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered with maintenance contract. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Visual Paradigm with floating license to new version.
How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (With Single Seat License) to New Version
From time to time, Visual Paradigm releases new version which covers bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered with maintenance contract. This article will teach you how to upgrade your single seat license of Visual Paradigm to new version.