Defining Default Documentation Template for Model Element

A template enables you to retrieve and display information about your model elements. You can use a documentation template to generate documentation on different model elements of the same type. By creating a documentation template, you can also customize the content and presentation of your documentation of specific model element type.

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How to Make HTML Content Rendered in Preview Shape

Visual Paradigm considers that showing the html content in preview shape, to a large extent, is one of the reasons of slowing down the operation of an application. The preview shapes in all VP products, therefore, don’t show the html content by default. For the sake of users, VP products enable users to change this setting in their current workspace. This article will demonstrate how to render the html content of a note in an Overview Diagram.

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How to Customize Requirement Types for Specific Business Need

In requirement diagram, a requirement is a document of what a system should perform upon customers’ needs. This type of requirement is also known as a functional requirement. You can identify a list of properties, such as such as ID, source, kind, verify method, risk and status inside requirement itself. Apart from the default requirement type, you are able to customize your preferred requirement type for specific business need. A customized requirement type is a template for all requirements of same type. It is especially useful when grouping similar requirements in a project.
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How to Write Testable Requirements in Requirement Diagram

Requirements of requirement diagram just present those requirements requested by customers into visual form for ease of understanding and management, but do not demonstrate if those requirements meet customers’ need. Why not write testable requirements to verify the requirements of a software program or system? During testing, the testers are expected to follow the testing procedure of test cases, so that software/ system can be proved to be complete and functioning. In this article, the details of writing test case for requirement will be discussed.

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Criteria: Retrieve Database Record in Object-Oriented Way

In this page, we will demonstrate the use of criteria in retrieving records from database. Before we talk about criteria, let’s study the traditional way of retrieving database record through JDBC.

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Understanding BPMN Choreography Model

Choreography model is one of the types of models to specify choreographies in BPMN. It consists of choreography tasks and sub-processes and common BPMN elements, such as, gateways and events. In this article, you can study what choreography is and then learn how to draw a business process diagram with choreography tasks.

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Using BPMN Pool and Lane in Business Process Diagram (BPD)

In BPMN, swimlane is divided into types, pool and lane. A pool represents a participant who takes part in a process. It is a rectangular container that can contain flow objects vertically or horizontally, such as task and activity.  On the other hand, a lane is a graphical sub-division in a pool. It is often used to organize and categorize activities within a pool according to function or role.
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Share Models between Class Diagram and Sequence Diagram

A class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces and their relationships and illustrates the static design view of a system, while a sequence diagram shows the sequence of actions that occurs in a system and illustrates the dynamic view of a system. With Visual Paradigm Desktop, you can easily share the models between class diagram and sequence diagram. The changes that made in the sequence diagram can be automatically added to the class diagram as well and vice versa.

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Switching Edition Using Product Edition Manager [Obsolete]

The Product Edition Manager for Visual Paradigm Suite (VP Suite) offers a choice to activate specific edition of the installed Visual Paradigm product(s). Changing product edition is particularly necessary when you want to test the functionalities supported by different editions of the installed product(s). This article discuss how to switch product edition by Product Edition Manager. Let’s see how we can switch product edition in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

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Import Diagram into Teamwork Project

When you are working as a team member, the designs (diagrams) you draw in your project will be committed to server and will also be visible to other people in the team. Sometimes, you want to sketch out new ideas but without having them visible to other people as the sketches are just raw designs. One good way to perform sketching is to do it in a new project rather than the working one. At the end, import the needed part(s) back to the teamwork project and commit it to server to make it visible to others.

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