Add and Remove Template Parameters of UML Class
Users can create UML class with template parameter to form the template class. With Visual Paradigm for UML 8.0 (VP-UML), you can add and remove template parameters. In this page, you can learn how to add template parameter to class and how to remove it from class in class diagram.
Database Design with Schema
Since VP-UML supports schema, users can make use of model to manage database. Users can develop ERDs under models, thereby, entities in different models can share the same name, but different schema. This page will demonstrate how to create model, how to create ERD under model and then how to apply schema.
Checkout project from SSL subversion server [Obsolete]
Team collaboration development on Subversion had been discontinued starting from Visual Paradigm version 13.0 |
This article teaches you how to checkout project from self singed SSL subversion server.
Choose a Different Dictionary in Spell Checking
The built-in spell checking feature of VP-UML/Agilian/Logizian helps ensure the correctness of model element names and documentation by marking those unrecognized words with red underlining. It works for numerous languages such as English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, etc. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to change the language of dictionary from American English, which is the default option, to British English.
Copy Models across Projects
Users can copy and paste models not only between diagrams, but also across projects in VP-UML. This article is going to show you how to copy and paste model across projects within the same application.
Define Stereotypes in Organization Chart
An organization chart is a diagram that visualizes the formal structure of an organization as well as the relationships and relative ranks of its positions. However, it is hard to tell which unit indicates a person and which unit represents a person’s position. With VP-UML, you are able to distinguish each unit through the application of stereotypes. This article will teach you how to define stereotypes in organization chart.
Make a Model Element Reference a Document File
Additional file can be attached to a model to elaborate it through its resource icon References. After that, you can open and view the inserted file through References. This page will show you how to add an external file to a model.
Reuse Model Elements in Different Diagrams
With VP-UML, you are able to show model elements in various diagrams to fit into different contexts. Two ways are provided to assist you in reusing model elements in different diagrams. This article will teach you firstly dragging and dropping from the tree to the diagram, secondly copying and pasting between diagrams and finally showing views.
Creating Constructor to a UML class
Other tools often require users to go through a cumbersome process to create constructors. In contrast, Visual Paradigm enables users to create constructors effortlessly via a user-friendly pop-up menu.
How to Model Subtype in ERD
When a few entities are subgrouped under a particular entity in an entity type, it means those entities share common attributes or relationships.