How to update project to latest revision in VP Project Viewer

Visual Paradigm Project Viewer (VP Viewer) is a free application which allow users to browse the content inside the Visual Paradigm project file. In team collaboration environment, user can use VP Viewer to checkout project form VPository or on-premises Teamwork Server for review. Upon new revision of the project is available, VP Viewer user will be notified and he can update his project to latest revision for reviewing the changes. To update the project to latest revision for VP Viewer: Read more

How to Migrate VP Server

The migration procedure provides a way for user to move data from one server to another one. This is helpful under the following situation:

  • Move the server from one machine to another machine (include changing OS)
  • Change of server database (i.e. form embedded database to external database)
  • Upgrade server which span across multiple versions (i.e. from v12 directly to v16)
  • Update server runtime

To perform server migration:

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How to Modify Default Port of VP Server’s Content Repository

In latest version 16.0 Visual Paradigm introduced a new Form Builder feature (supported in Professional Edition or above) which allow user to create executable forms using visual editor. The designed form can go live for data collection. For on-premises Teamwork Server or local workspace (local personal server) the data collected by the forms will be stored in the local Content Repository within the server. Subject to user’s environment the default port used by Content Repository may conflict with other services on user’s computer. In case conflict was found user can change the port used by Content Repository. To change the port number of Content Repository:

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Cannot backup VP Server after upgrade to new version

After upgrade VP Server to new version then the backup script become fail to work with following (or similar) error.

[message] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
[message] at<clinit>(:15)
[message] at<init>(:783)
[message] at v.bsr.bk.<init>(:253)
[message] at v.bsr.bk.a(:94)
[message] at
[message] at
[message] at v.ayi.e.c(:267)
[message] at v.ayi.e.a(:99)
[message] at migration.ExportVPServerMain.<init>(:266)
[message] at migration.ExportVPServerMain.main(:24)
[message] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
[message] at
[message] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[message] at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
[message] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[message] ... 10 more

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Create relationships between models by importing data from Excel

Visual Paradigm’s Excel export and import allow users to import data into project. This not just for importing of model elements, but also for relationships. In this article we will show you how to create relationships between models using the Excel.

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Hash Project Contents Using VP Project Anonymous Tool

Visual Paradigm is always committed to deliver the best possible service to users. When users experience issues that seem to be too complex to diagnose over emails, users could send over their project files for us to better understand their problems and come back with a solution faster. However, we also understand that users might be concerned with passing along project files which contain sensitive or even confidential business information. To address this concern, we have developed the Project Anonymous Tool for users to hash their project data into meaningless information and make it safe to send in for diagnosis.

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Customizing Guide-through Process

Visual Paradigm version 15.2 Enterprise Edition support customization on the built-in TOGAF ADM and Project Management guide-through process. This include altering the process navigator, phrases, activities and deliverables. In this article we will show you how to customize on the guide-through process.

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Unable to upgrade VP Server to version 13.0 (or newer)

Some users may experience problem that VP Server fail to run after upgrade to version 13.0, or server remain in its current version after upgrade. This problem is caused by the VP Server is still running with the old JRE1.6. For deliver better features some libraries used by VP Server was being upgraded. Unfortunately they are not compatible with the old JRE 1.6. For users experienced problem on upgrade server can take the following steps to upgrade your server to version 13.0: Read more

Customizing deliverables in guide-through process

Starting from version 15.2 Enterprise Edition users can perform customizations to the TOGAF and Project Management Guide-through process, which include modifying the workflows also define custom deliverables. In this article you will learn how to customize the deliverables in the guide-through process.

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