Create read-only user to your VP Online workspace (VP Desktop User)

Visual Paradigm Project Viewer (VP Viewer) is a free application which allow user to browse the content of your projects without the need of purchase any license key. For large organization you can setup viewer users in your repository so that they can browser your projects without afraid that they will get modified. In this article we will show you how to create viewer users in your VP Online workspace and how the viewer users can access to your projects.

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Create read-only user to your on-premises repository

Visual Paradigm Project Viewer (VP Viewer) is a free application which allow user to browse the content of your projects without the need of purchase any license key. For large organization you can setup viewer users in your repository so that they can browser your projects without afraid that they will get modified. In this article we will show you how to create viewer users in your on-premises Teamwork Server and how the viewer users can access to your repository.

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How to Perform Silent Installation on Visual Paradigm

tomcat-thumbVisual Paradigm can be installed via Visual Paradigm’s installer in few clicks. But in some situation, say bulk installation, you may not want to install the software one by one through the installer.  In this case you can use the silent install mechanism to install the software automatically. This article will teach you how to perform silent installation of Visual Paradigm. Read more

How to install node runtime on VP Server

Starting from version 16.1 the VP Server require a new node module in order perform certain services. By default VP Server will automatically download and install this module for user. But in case user’ VP Server cannot access Internet then the auto setup procedure will not work and in this case user can follow the steps below to manual install this module to their VP Server.

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How to clear System Proxy Setting

Visual Paradigm may store two set of proxy information for user, one is specified by user under Application Options, and the other is specified by administrator during silent/bulk installation (as the default proxy). For Application Options proxy user can modify or remove it simply within the Application Options dialog. But for proxy specified by administrator they are stored in system registry where end user will not able to remove it. To remove the proxy specified by administrator:

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Unable to connect to Visual Paradigm’s Server over Internet

There are several services in Visual Paradigm Desktop client require to connect to Visual Paradigm’s server on Internet, including

Some users may experience problem that their VP Desktop client unable to connect to Visual Paradigm’s server even they do have Internet access. If you see the SSL handshape exception in your Visual Paradigm desktop client’s log file then the problem very likely to be caused by there is a proxy (could be a transparent one) in your network blocking the resolve of SSL certificate thus lead to fail to connect to our server. To solve this problem:

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How to Enable Tabular Feature on On-Premises Teamwork Server

Visual Paradigm Tabular allow user collect, organize and extra data into spreadsheet. It allow user insert large collection of data and then perform analysis, and further transform into visual presentation such as charts, reports, tables, etc. At the moment the Tabular feature is only available for online. Even user with on-premises Teamwork Server they also need to access to Visual Paradigm’s Tabular Server over Internet in order to use this feature. We understand this may causing confusion to uses whose environment not allow to access Internet. To avoid confusion by default this feature is disabled in on-premises Teamwork Server.

Tabular feature disabled

Tabular feature disabled

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Adjust number of users to be listed in DS Connector when connecting to Active Directory

Visual Paradigm Online and the on-premises Teamwork Server support integrate with Active Directory using Visual Paradigm’s DS Connector to perform user authentication. During setup you can select the users from your Active Directory to join your VP Online/Teamwork Server. Some users may experience a problem that they can only list out the first 1000 users from Active Directory, where users out of this range cannot be select. This is caused by Active Directory by default only allow query on 1000 objects, which means you can only list out 1000 users in DS Connector. In this article we will show you how to adjust the query limit in your Active Directory to solve this problem.

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How to Backup VP Server Repository

tomcat-thumbVP Server is a server application which included the Teamwork Server, Floating License Server and Update Server. To protect you from losing your valuable works, it is recommended to backup the server from time-to-time. This article will show you how to get it done by using the built-in backup script.


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