How to Upgrade Agilian (With Single Seat License) and Teamwork Server to New Version [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Single Seat License) and Teamwork Server to New Version for details about how to update your single seat licensed Visual Paradigm and Teamwork Server to latest version.
Agilian was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version to Agilian and Teamwork Server which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance contract. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Agilian in single seat license as well as the Teamwork Server to new version.

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How to upgrade VP-UML (Floating License) and VPository to New Version [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Floating License) to New Version for details about how to update your floating licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version.
Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version to Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) and VPository (Teamwork Server on the cloud) which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance. This article will teach you how to upgrade your VP-UML in floating license as well as the VPository to new version. Read more

How to Upgrade Agilian (With Floating License) to New Version [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Floating License) to New Version for details about how to update your floating licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version.
Agilian was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version to Agilian which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance. This article will teach you how to upgrade your Agilian in floating license to new version. Read more

How to Upgrade VP-UML (With Floating License) and Teamwork Server to New Version [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Floating License) and Teamwork Server to New Version for details about how to update your floating licensed Visual Paradigm and Teamwork Server to latest version.
Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version to Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) and Teamwork Server which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance. This article will teach you how to upgrade your VP-UML in floating license as well as the Teamwork Server to new version. Read more

How to Upgrade VP-UML (With Single Seat License) and Teamwork Server to New Version [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Single Seat License) and Teamwork Server to New Version for details about how to update your single seat licensed Visual Paradigm and Teamwork Server to latest version.
Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version to Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) and Teamwork Server which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance. This article will teach you how to upgrade your VP-UML in single seat license as well as the Teamwork Server to new version. Read more

How to Upgrade VP-UML (With Floating License) to New Version [Obsolete]

This article is out-dated. Please refer to How to upgrade Visual Paradigm (with Floating License) to New Version for details about how to update your floating licensed Visual Paradigm to latest version.
Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) was discontinued since the product amalgamation in version 11.1. More details can be found at

From time to time Visual Paradigm release new version to Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) which cover bunch of new features and enhancements. Thanks to the maintenance contract system, you can upgrade to new version without extra cost as long as your license is covered by maintenance. This article will teach you how to upgrade your VP-UML with floating license to new version. Read more

Setup Floating License Server as System Service on Linux

You can setup the Floating License Server as Linux system service. By setting up the server as service, it will start automatically when your machine boots up. This article will show you how to setup the floating license server as Linux system service. Read more

Adjust Memory Settings for Teamwork Server

When Teamwork Server starts, it will reserve certain amount of memory from your system. This memory allocation setting can be specified inside the launching script of the server. Read more

Installing and Removing Teamwork Server Service

You can install teamwork server as a Windows service, the teamwork server will result in automatically start up when you start Windows. On the other hand, you can remove this service as you don’t want it to be started when you start Windows. Normally this can be done by execute the install_service and remove_service script inside the scripts folder under the teamwork server installation directory. But if you experienced problem on running these 2 scripts, probably it is caused by some configuration issue on your machine. This article will show how to overcome this problem and to install and remove teamwork server service.

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Setting up Floating License Server as System Service on Mac OS X

You can setup floating license server as Mac OS X system service, the floating license server will result in automatically start up when you start Mac OS X. This article will show how to set up setup floating license server as Mac OS X system service.

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