How to ready Just-in-Time Work Items for your Personalized Local Server

tomcat-thumbThe Just-in-Time process in Visual Paradigm allows you to create customized enterprise architecture development/agile development process for your team. With the work items provided by Visual Paradigm you can freely add or remove the steps in each phrase of your process. The work items used by the process is accessible via the Teamwork Server, VPository or Personalized Local Server (new in v14.1 SP1). In this article we will show you how to make the work item ready in case your Personalized Local Server was unable to automatically download the work items for you.

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Perform IDE Integration with ArchiMetric [Obsolete]

Since version 14.0 ArchiMetric had been replaced by Visual Paradigm Enterprise.

tomcat-thumbArchiMetric (former Visual Paradigm Enterprise Edition) is an all-in-one software and system development tool for end-to-end information technology system modeling. ArchiMetric comes with all the essential tools you need for Enterprise Architecture, such as ArchiMate, Zachman Framework, Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), UML and more…. Similar to Visual Paradigm the ArchiMetric also support integrate with various IDE and allow you to perform requirement capturing, analysis and design as well as development within a single environment. But since the IDE integration is not the primary goal for enterprise architecture modeling users, the IDE integration menu is somehow a little bit hidden. Read more

How to setup ArchiMetric in 32 bit environment [Obsolete]

Since version 14.0 ArchiMetric had been replaced by Visual Paradigm Enterprise.

tomcat-thumbArchiMetric (former Visual Paradigm Enterprise Edition) is an all-in-one software and system development tool for end-to-end information technology system modeling. As 64 bit system already become the majority player, ArchiMetric only offer installation package for 64 bit systems. But even 32 bit installation package is not available for ArchiMetric, you can still run the ArchiMetric in 32 bit environment. This article will teach you how to run ArchiMetric in 32 bit environment. Read more

How to Report Bug on Teamwork Operation

When you are using Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server (Teamwork Server) or VPository and find a problem, feel free to contact Visual Paradigm to seek for assistance. Remember, the more information you give us, the easier and faster for us to identify the problem, fix the problem and provide a proper solution. In most cases, the steps to produce problem, the log file and a screenshot illustrating the problem are sufficient for us to identify problem. It would be even more effective if you can send us the local project, server revisions as well as the server database (for Teamwork Server) so that we can reproduce and fix the problem accordingly. Read more

Migrate Projects from CVS, Subversion, Perforce and ClearCase into Teamwork Server

tomcat-thumbVisual Paradigm‘s Teamwork Server is designed specifically for perform team collaboration development with Visual Paradigm modeling client. It capable in doing everything you can do with CVS, Subversion, Perforce and ClearCase, plus some exclusive features like task management, online design sharing and comments sharing. You can migrate your teamwork projects from CVS, Subversion, Perforce and ClearCase into Visual Paradigm’s Teamwork Server, including all the revisions and modification histories, and this article will show you how to do the migration. Read more

Setup VP Server with SQL Server

tomcat-thumbVP Server is a server application which included the Teamwork Server, Floating License Server and Update Server. Instead of setup these server applications one by one; they can be setup via the single VP Server package. VP Server using database for storing the settings and configurations, such as teamwork user account, history for check-in & check-out of project files, floating license status, etc. You can setup VP Server with an embedded database, or using some popular DBMS such as Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL. This article will teach you how to setup a Microsoft SQL Server database for the VP Server. We will use the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express Edition to demonstrate how it works. Read more

How to setup VP Server on 32 bit system

tomcat-thumbVP Server is a server application which included the Teamwork Server, Floating License Server and Update Server. As 64 bit system already become the majority player, starting from version 13.0 VP Server no longer offer 32 bit installation package. But even the 32 bit installation package was no longer offered, you can still setup VP Server on a 32 bit environment. This article will teach you how to setup a VP Server on a 32 bit system. Read more

How to update VP Server (prior to 14.0)

For version 14.0 or above please reference to How to update VP Server for update instructions.

tomcat-thumbVP Server is an integrated server providing the facilities including Teamwork operation support, Hosting of floating license and Centralized update server. Upgrade VP Server to new build, or even new version is extremely easy and can be done in few clicks. This article will teach you how to update your VP Server using the build-in update feature.


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How to update VP Server

tomcat-thumbVP Server is an integrated server providing the facilities including Teamwork operation support, Hosting of floating license and Centralized update server. Upgrade VP Server to new build, or even new version is extremely easy and can be done in few clicks. This article will teach you how to update your VP Server using the build-in update feature.


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Use Access Code to Protect your Floating License from Unauthorized Access

With Visual Paradigm’s floating license you can define the access code to control the access of the license. The access code basically is a password and it server for 2 main purpose. First, it helps to prevents unauthorized access to your license key and only when user have the right access code can use it, which increased the level of security. Second is to divide your floating licenses into groups. Think about if group A and B both acquire licenses from the same VP Server, group A may use up all the keys, leaving no available license for group B, when there is no control. Access code solves this problem by enforcing the need of supplying a valid password when trying to acquiring license from server by client.

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