How to solve the problem on cannot enter non-English characters to Story Map on Mac

Some Mac users may experience problem on unable to enter non-English characters into story map. To solve this problem:

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How to change the user account for VP Server database

VP Server using database plus file system to store its configuration data and model information (for Teamwork Server user). VP Server can be configure to run with embedded database, or using external database such as MySQL, Maria DB, SQL Server, Oracle and PostgreSQL. In case VP Server is configured to run with external database and the connection info need to be changed, i.e. change to a new password due to password policy, user can follow the steps below to alter database connection info for their VP Server. Read more

How to rename VP Server Database

VP Server is a central repository for provide various service to user performing team collaboration development. VP Server using a database plus file system to store its data. The following article explains how user can rename the VP Server database if their VP Server is configured to run with external database (SQL Server, Maria DB, SQL Server and PostgreSQL).

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Unable to install Visual Paradigm on Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave

Some user got the complaint from their Mac OS X 10.14 Mojave that the Visual Paradigm installation file they just downloaded was being damaged.

Error on install Visual Paradigm on OS X 10.14

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Subscribed to VP Online but my account still shows I’m using Express Edition?

I’ve already subscribed to VP Online but my account still shows I’m on the free Express Edition!? This probably caused by your licenses is subscribed on a different email address. You can associate your subscribed license to your existing VP Online account. To do this:

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How to bring Visual Paradigm’s Modeling menu back in IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2

Visual Paradigm support integrate the modeling environment into different IDEs, including the latest IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2. But for some reason the Visual Paradigm’s Modeling menu may not able to show in IntelliJ IDEA’s main menu bar.

Visual Paradigm’s Modeling menu missing in IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2

To bring the Modeling menu back: Read more

Sharing VP Online web diagrams with your teammates

tomcat-thumbVP Online is pure web based platform allow you to do modeling with different diagrams, and perform software development activities such as capturing requirements, model customer’s experience with customer journey map, develop and prioritize development schedule with Agile scrum process, and management the progress of your project with the task management tool. All just using your browser. The diagrams you created can be share with your teammates for review or even further modifications or team collaboration development.

To let your teammates access your diagrams: Read more

How to evaluate different editions of VP Online

Visual Paradigm Online (VP Online) is a pure web based platform provide modeling and project management support. It comes with different editions covering different set of features. By default when you evaluate VP Online it will be in the Premium Edition which cover all the features. In case you would like to try out the lower editions you can follow the steps below to make the change: Read more